Chapter 3

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Alice's P.O.V

After English Me and Katherine walked to our next lesson that was music. I love music. Our music teacher, ironically, was called Mr. Music.

Whilst we were walking to music my phone rang I looked who was ringing and it was John Watson. I picked up and whispered into my phone "is there a case? can I come?" then John replied "yes there is a case and sorry you can't come because you are in school, maybe next time tho Alice. But I rang to say that me and your dad won't be in when you get home so you need to cook your own food, if you need something urgently Mrs. Hudson will be there."

"OK" I replied. "see you later. bye" then hang up. When I put my phone away Katherine asked me who that was and I said my dads work friend who kinda lives with us. She look a little surprised but after a while she was fine.

When we got to music our teacher walked in wearing leopard print shoes, a pink shirt, grey shiny trousers and a blazer that matched the trousers. he was also wearing a tie that had a keyboard down one side. When he walked in there were a few giggles around the room. Mr.Music went through the 4 chord trick with us then sent us to the keyboards to practice it. I was working with Katherine when sir came over and looked at what we were doing, we had both mastered the 4 chord trick and he told us to do it in another key. We went through this process about 5 times before the lesson ended and we were walking to our next one.

After music we had the most boring lesson of all, at least that is what I thought, French. The only good thing about French was the teacher. His name was Mr. Vamoose, he was French. He was quite tall an had short brown hair, he also has black framed glasses. When we walked into the classroom sir said something in French that I didn't understand.

I sat in the back of the class, with Katherine sitting next to me, not saying anything and just writing stuff down that I did not understand. this is why I hated French, because I knew nothing, although Katherine seemed to be fluent French. Once French had finished the home bell rang, we all got up out of our seats and said bye to sir and headed for the gates of the school.

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