The Morning After....

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Yokihara didn't wait long as Nicole returned to him about Ten minutes later. She pinned him to the head board and suddenly,she looked furious. "How come you never told me?!!" She exclaimed. "I-I'm to shy, Y-you know this Nicole.." he muttered weakly. She sighed,"big baby." She said and ruffled his hair. "A-and I'm not dominant." He said,Nicole laughed. "Oh sweetie even if you were a dom I'd still turn you into my little bitch." He blushed and felt himself relax as Nicole retreated her arms to her side. But now that this is is clear I can finally do the one thing that I've been dying for." She said. "What's th...." He was cut off as Nicole pulled him into a mind boggling kiss. He could taste her lipstick, a sweet taste. He loved it.
He'd always daydreamed of kissing her but never did he think it would be this good. He felt like a raging fire that couldn't be stopped. Nicole presses on harder,biting Yokihara's bottom lip. He whimpered as she ran her hands up his waist and to his neck. She pulled off and gave out and obvious moan. "I have wanted to do that for so long." She admitted. "I've dreamt of it." He said blushing. She giggled and laid down,stomach up. Yokihara sat cross legged next to her. "Lay with me."She said. Yokihara,embarrassed slowly laid down. She immediately crawled on top of him. She attacked his neck with searing kisses that left him breathless. He moaned out in pleasure. "N-Nicole!" He cried and she ceased her torture.
She pulled him into her arms. "Go to sleep Yoki. We can continue in the morning." He nodded,"please don't go." He said weakly,she gave a quiet laugh. "I don't plan on it." She snuggled up close to him and gave him a soft kiss to the neck, "Goodnight baby boy." Nicole muttered. "G-goodnight Nicole.." his eyes closed and Nicole's form grip only grew stronger. The next morning Yokihara awoke to a grumbling Nicole. She groaned at him,"lie back down." She said. "Nicole.. come on.... please?" He whined. She opened her eyes and sat up. She stared at him and then lurched at him sending them tumbling. They landed with Nicole on top. "Oh baby why do you want me up?" Yoki blushed at this question." I w-want to spend time with you..." he replied to her. She smirked and stood up.
They walked into the kitchen,Yokihara threw a couple eggs onto the stove and started cooking them. It took a few minutes for them to finish so he quickly gave Nicole her plate and went to make her coffee. Once that was done he sat next to her. "Here Nicole." He said handing her the coffee. She smirked and nodded. They ate in silence, it wasn't awkward silence, just normal silence. "Hey Nicole what type of nickname do you want." She smirked and kissed his cheek

"How does Mommy sound?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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