max's sick day part 1

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Hey have you seen max today Barb asked. He is still asleep Phoebe said. It's 2 in the afternoon Barb said. I know Phoebe said. I am going to check on him Barb Said. Ok Phoebe said. Max wake up Barb said. Mom what time is it Max asked. 2 in the afternoon Barb said. I got up at noon got Emma a bottle Max said. Are you ok Barb asked. Yeah I need to feed Emma Max said. I will feed her you go back to sleep Barb said. No I will fed her Max said. After Max fed her he layed on the couch and fell asleep. I don't like how he is acting Barb said. Mom do you want me to take Emma with me today Phoebe asked. Yeah he is burning up he don't need to get Emma sick Barb said. Ok Phoebe said. Emma mom were is Emma Max asked . With Phoebe she having fun Barb said. Ok Max said as he fell back to sleep. Hi Hank said. Hi Barb said. Why is Max still a sleep Hank asked. He is sick Barb said. Max how are you felling Hank asked. Fine Max said. Max you are burning up Barb said. I am fine Max said. No you are not Barb said. Call the doctor in metroburg see if we can get him in to day Hank said. Ok Barb said. Mom I am fine Max said. Your mom is on the phone with the doctor Hank said. He has an appointment at 3 Barb said. Ok lets go get in the van Hank said. At the doctor. Sit here with Max I will let them know we are here Hank said. Max are you cold Barb asked. Max was a sleep already. Hey how long Barb asked. Not long Hank said. Max thunderman the nurse said. Max wake up Barb said. In the room. Max how are you felling the doctor asked. Fine Max said. I can't help you if you won't tell what's wrong the doctor said. 20 minutes later. He has Pneumonia and the flu the doctor said. At the house. When Max gets sick he get really sick Barb said. We will have Phoebe keep Emma in her room for now Hank said. Ok i am going to see if he is wants to eat Barb said. Ok hank said. Max do you want to eat something Barb asked. No Max said. Ok Barb said. Hey mom Billy yelled. Billy don't yell Barb said. Dadda Emma said. Hey baby Max said. There you are Phoebe said.

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