Chapter 7

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The night passed in silence. Aditya had returned home in the mid of night. As much as she wanted to ask about his behavior in the evening she was afraid of his reaction, so she faked sleep. Zoya heard him rustling with something in his pocket and then the side of her bed dips. She knew he had slept instantly. She took a moment before she slightly turned herself to check him. He looked distraught. His cheeks still held dry tears stains. He was completely drunk and didn't bother to change in to night outfit. Zoya completely turned herself to face him. She brushed her hand in his hair and patted his cheeks. She could feel his pain but couldn't understand the reason behind it. Zoya gently got up and went to his wardrobe. She took his night dress out and went back to him. Zoya holds him by his arms and makes him sit in his sleep with the help of her own body. She hugged him , making his head on her chest , she hold his head lightly for support. She slowly unbuttoned him and removed his clothes. She removed his shoes as well. Then she changed him into the night dress. Zoya got up to hang his worn clothes on hook.

"Whatever it is aditya, please tell me. You can trust me with your secrets. Please! I can't see you in this pain." She said while looking at his sleeping form. Her tears were unanswered and she gradually slips into exhaustion with a hope of better morning for them.

The sun fell from the curtains and onto her face. She slowly opened her eyes only to find herself waking up alone in the bed. she looked around and found the night clothes that she changed him into hanging on the hook. There was no sound of water running in bathroom. His shoes were nowhere seen. He must have left to the office early today and she is all alone in home. Her appetite had died with his absence. She only wanted to hear her husband's voice. Zoya sat on bed for hours debating with her to call him. And then finally she dialed his number. It ringed for 3 times before the ring died stating the caller is busy. After the 3rd call his phone kept showing switched off. She missed him so much. She wanted to just hear his voice and so she dialed his office number. Some one picked up her call and said that Aditya is busy and if there is something important he will communicate the message to him. Zoya asked him to request aditya to call her, the employee said yes and disconnected the call.

Aditya had never troubled her this way in her few months of marriage. He was reacting as if he is running from her. She didn't understand what wrong she has done for his to react like this. Her eyes became moist as his face popped out in front of her. Its all because of shikha! She should have never accepted the dinner invitation. God knows what her husband have told Aditya for him to cause distress? Zoya promised herself to not see shikha and her husband ever in her life. She can't keep anything that affects her marital life negatively. She promised to cut off her every bond from her child hood bestie.

"Aditya. I miss you. Please we need to talk. Call me." She thought to herself with the moist eyes.

She heard the phone beep and got up to check the message. It was from him.

"I will not be coming home today. I had to go for outdoor meeting urgently. I will come 3 days later.Take care of yourself."

Zoya eyes widen and she shakes her head in no. "why are you running from me? I wont ask you anything if you are not comfortable to answer. But please don't distance from me. Please Aditya."

She picks up the phone and dials his number but it again went switched off. She tears up and blames herself for his withdrawn behavior.

It's been 1 week and there is no news of Aditya. Zoya waited for his call but he never made any. Nor did he reply to her messages. She called up his business associates for his whereabouts but they had no clue. It was almost like he has disappeared. She would have filled a police complaint if not for the messages he sent every night asking her to take care of her. She refused to do so. She wanted her husband by her side to take care of her. She just didn't miss him, she needs him. Whole week have passed without seeing aditya and zoya was losing it. She didn't ate properly, she didn't sleep well. She wanted him. She wanted to hear his voice. She begged for his forgiveness in messages but he never replied. When she couldn't take it longer zoya decided to visit his office and get the address of wherever he is hiding in excuse of business meet. If he doesn't want to see her, Fine! She will meet him and bring him out of his hideout.

The drive to the Aditya's office was rather long one due to the damn traffic. But nothing was going to make her change her mind, she was determined to meet her hubby and no matter what she would meet him. she parked the car and marched towards his office.

"Good morning Zoya Madam. How are you?" receptionist wished her as everyone in the office were familiar of her being Aditya's wife.

"Hi can you tell me where is my husband's department." She asked her and the lady guided her to the cabin.

On enquiry to his subordinates and staffs , zoya found out he was on leave for 2 weeks and Aditya was not send anywhere for a meet. Zoya stood in utter shock, her heart fell to the ground as tears of fear drips from her eyes. He lied to her. Holding herself, zoya somehow manages to run from his office towards her car. She shuts the door and cries heavily holding her hand to her forehead.

"what is happening Aditya?" she cried. "where are you?"

She wipes her tears and decides to pay a visit to her friends home. She now felt a need to know what have happened at shikha's evening party that caused a havoc in their relationship. What did Rehmat told Aditya that he had disappeared from the day?" Zoya wipes her tears and with rage she drove the car to Shikha's home.

She parked the car outside the gate and walked inside like a wind. The door was open . She deliberated on whether to knock or not , and then told herself she had no time for such formality. So she barged in.

The ground slips of her feet on what she saw. Her eyes refused to believe and her heart pounded madly.

There was Aditya hugging a woman tightly. She couldn't make who was the woman from behind, but she was gripping his arms tightly. She could see the woman moving her head on his chest while his hand was on her back rubbing it.

"Aditya?" She whispered,

Zoya saw his back tensed up and go rigid immediately. He slowly came out of the woman's embrace and turned towards her.

It was then she realized that the woman was none other than Shikha, her bestie. What was she doing with her husband? What was aditya doing here with her? Zoya then remembered Shikha mentioning about some business trip her husband was about to go this week. Which meant they were meeting behind his back in his home? Does rehmat knows this? Zoya's lips quivered she couldn't bring herself to speak with the shock of her life. She saw shikha's eyes looking straight to the floor.

"Zo..Zoya look..." Aditya began saying something but she couldn't hear anything. Her mind did not registered a single word he said. Shock, anger, hurt and disapproval overtook her at once. Tears began to flow freely but silently. Her eyes refused to blink. Her brow squeezed in confusion.

Her eyes slowly withdraw from him to her own hands. The car keys she was holding dropped on floor. She couldn't take anymore as the fact dawned upon him. Zoya spun around in a fit and darted towards the door. She could hear Aditya's voice calling after her and she was also certain she heard footsteps running behind her. But nothing stopped her, as she ran without caring about her car. She passed the gate and made a mad run on the road to some place where she could be away from reality.


So guys! here is an update. What do you think Aditya is cheating on zoya? if not what was he doing in shikha's house.

Thanks a lot for the likes and comments and also for Dm's . I read them all and really enjoy it.

Lots of love!

Your writer


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