chapter 12

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The words hitched in her throat as Aditya glared at her demanding for an explanation of her abnormal behavior. Her cheeks have discolored with tears and her face turned pale as if she is replaying something very horrendous in the back of her mind. Her eyes had turned wide partly in the shock and partly due to memorizing the events occurred. Her screams-their laughter, her begging- their curse, her misery- their happiness every bloody emotions looked so real as if everything was happening to her once again. She wanted to hide inside herself as her eyes perplexed the eyes of the one who has equal share in the sin done to her. Aditya eyes moved to and fro from zoya to the men outside and back to her. She was pointing at someone and reacting very strange. Zoya felt herself slipping from reality into her nightmare again. He shook her body to gain her attention but she refused to pass any glance at him let alone blink. He watched as the man sat in their bikes and began riding off. Aditya panicked and quickly he got his cell phone out and clicked their pictures. He would have run behind them but zoya was his priority for now. Earlier he thought she was kidding as if to make him scared, but later her weird action made him realize the situation of it and it did not took him long enough to understand that she was having a panic attack. He looked ahead and saw traffic jam which they had created unintentionally by stopping the car in mid of the road. He looked behind there was no space for the car to move. He made few more try but they were trapped from all the sides. He had no options left and nor did he had any time looking at her condition which only looked to get worse. He got down of the car from his side and made a jog to her side. He opened the door and saw her eyes fix at the spot as she repeats some incoherent words blankly. He stares at her for a second before he slips his hands under her knee and back and picks her up in his arms. The world witnesses the madness of a lover as he runs holding her in his arms. His eyes were reflecting her dead ones. He was scared would be an understatement. He ran using all his strength left in him only to stop in front of the hospital. He looked mess with sweats and tears but he cared a least about it for now. All he begged for her to response to his voice. She was in his arms and yet mentally she looked so distance as if he was holding a hollow body without a soul. He saw a stretcher and gently placed her while he rushed inside the hospital shouting for help. Few doctors and a ward boy saw him and came rushing for help. The hospital admin helped aditya with the hospital formalities while doctors already got her admit and started her treatment.

Aditya shuts his eyes closed and saw her smiling face from few minutes ago. Tears freely roll down his cheeks and he takes a support of the wall in order to get a grip on himself. The room to her ward opened and a sister came out with a list of test that's needs to be conducted along with few medicines prescribed. He took them and ran to the ground floor where he could bring the medicines and also pay for the test. Aditya soon reaches the medical shop and gives them the list while he spots a Atm and decides to withdraw some cash. He puts his hand in the pocket for purse but doesn't find it. He checks around and realizes that he must have lost it in his way while bringing zoya to the hospital. He cries unevenly and checks for an alternative. He checks his hand and neck and quickly removed the gold he is wearing. Aditya asks the guy to keep the medicine ready while he runs on the road to find a jewelry shop. He sells his gold and quickly pays cash for all bills including the test.

When he returned he saw a rush in the ward, doctors and nurses were moving in and out of the room where zoya is admitted. His heart drop and in a haste he stops a nurse passing by.

"Why are you so late? You must know that patient is critical."

Saying this she takes off the medicine from him and rushes back to the room.

Aditya didn't have strength to stand anymore. He saw the door to the ward and he sinks on the floor. He prays and prays continuously to god to save zoya. He feared of losing her , he cannot imagine a life in without her.

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