Chapter 22

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"Shh, Majesty. It's okay."

The horse spooked at a rabbit as I peered into the undergrowth beside the path. Light was fading, and the woods were gloomy as hell. Should I get a torch out? No, I'd ruin my vision. We'd been in the woods for ten minutes when I heard crying and knew we were in the right place. Up ahead, Tia hobbled along the path, tears streaming down both cheeks.

Was she okay? Not quite—she was dragging her left foot and holding her right arm crossed over her chest. Thank goodness I'd brought the first aid kit.


She looked up, her face a juxtaposition of relief and peevishness. Should she be grateful someone had come to help or pissed off because it was me?

Eventually, she settled for whining.

"Why did you take so long? I've been out here for ages, and I can hardly move. And I'm freezing."

I hopped off Majesty, who'd behaved impeccably after his initial high jinks, and tied his reins to a nearby tree. He snuffled for grass, then gave up and pawed the ground.

Taking Tia's good arm, I steered her over to a nearby log and sat her down.

"What hurts? Your arm and leg, obviously, but anywhere else?"

"N-n-no, just my arm and my ankle."

"What happened?"

"Gameela spooked, and I came off and landed on my side. I wrenched my ankle in the stirrup as I fell."

I knelt and studied her. No, I didn't like her colour, or rather, the lack of it.

"Did you hit your head?"

"I don't think so."

"Okay, I'm going to have a look. Tell me if the pain gets worse."

"Can't you just call an ambulance?" she demanded, some of her attitude coming back. "One of those helicopter ones."

"We're half a mile into dense woodland. Where exactly do you think it would land?"

"Fine. A normal ambulance, then."

"Which would have to drive a couple of miles up a rutted track in the snow. Not gonna happen, sweetheart. Plus, I lost phone signal at the start of that track, so I can't call anyone from here, anyway."

"You're not being very sympathetic."

"Nope. Sympathy isn't one of my strong points. Getting things done is."

"So what are you going to do? It'll be dark soon, and there are wild animals out here."

"The worst thing in these woods is a fox, and I can guarantee it'll be more scared of you than you are of it. Now, let me look at your arm and ankle."

Tia finally shut up and let me examine her. She shrieked when I touched her ankle, making Majesty leap in alarm, but at least she didn't get too hysterical.

"Your arm's broken. It'll need to be pinned. I think your ankle's just badly sprained."

"So now what?"

"I'm going to strap up your arm then you can sit on Majesty while I lead you back to civilisation."

"I'm not riding that evil horse! He bucks and rears."

"Yes, I found that out first-hand, but he's tired now. He'll be fine if I lead him." I gave her a saccharine smile. "Or you can wait here while I go for help."

"Wait here? On my own?"

"There's a few spiders around. Maybe some rats. They'll keep you company."

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