Fate and destiny.

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*Buzz buzz buzz* I turned around to see my phone going off, It was a text from my bestfriend Amy. She said "Wake up katy! Were going sight seeing around london today and I want to get there earlie. Meet me at the train station at 9. Loveyou xx" I slightly opened my eyes wider and wider every time I took a glimpse at my phone. The time was half 7. I hated waking up in the morning earlie! I took a couple of minutes to finally get out of bed then I put the shower on, while it was warming up i went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea to start my day. I lived with my mum but she was away for the weekend with her boyfriend. So i had the house to my self which was good i suppose. I mean im 17 so im responsible but still... When I finished my shower it was 07:45 so I had around an hour to get ready. I blow dried my hair then straightened it all through gently. I then added my make up, only a small amount but enough to make my face look better. I drunk my tea then replied to Amy. I said "Okay dude, Im getting ready now so ill be on time xx"  I then looked outside my window to see the sun shining through already. I checked the weather and the forecast was 18 degrees. Yes! 

When I was finally ready it was half past 8. I made myself a quick bowl of ceareaI to start my day. I wore a slouchy thin jumper with high waisted shorts with brown accerories and boots. A good outfit for london I would say. I grabbed my purse, keys and put them in my bag. When I left it was 08:45 So i had 15 minutes to get to the train station, it was only a 10 minute walk from my house so I was on time! I texted Amy saying "Just left mine, see you in 10 xxxx" And she replied straight after saying "Coolios, Im 2 mins away so ill grab us 2 hot chocolates for the train journey" To london from my home town Brighton was an hour and a half. I didnt mind though because I had Amy. 

"Katy! Your here! The train leaves in 10 minutes so we got to get our tickets quickly" As Amy said as soon as I turned the corner, she handed me my hot chocolate then we walked up to the reception and asked for 2 ticket return to london plus tubes. It was fairley cheaper then i expected which was good. 

Sooner then I thought we arrived at waterloo station london, It was half past 10 when we got there and had a whole day ahead of us. Amy was a massive shopper, so i new alot of today would be shopping aswell. First we headed of to Tower bridge and Big Ben and all them tourist attractions, We took photos and looked around. It was a really nice morning to spend with my best friend. At 1 o'clock we took the tube into covent garden and had some lunch in a pizza restuarant. It was amazing and very cultrual. We then looked around covent garden especially at the moving statue people, I never really understood them but all i knew was the freaked me out. 

Although we was in the Capital city of England we didnt see any celebrities or anything, not that i wasnt suprised but usually theres crowds or something going on but this time nothing. Then we took the tube again to picadilly circus and oxford street, this was where Amy would shop literally untill she dropped. First of we started at HMV, then River Island, then new look, and then I just lost track. We saved the huge Topshop in oxford street till last because we both loved it there. When we were done with all the rest of the shops we finally headed there. Amy had about 4 different big bags of clothes from different shops. All I bought was a pair of wedges from river Island and 2 tops from newlook. As soon as we walked into Topshop we went hunting for anything we liked, We had our savings with us so we thought we'd go mental. I saw the most amazing dress It was a bright, pink, skater dress with a bow tied on to the back, it was beautiful. I bought it after trying it on. I also bought a bag, 3 tops, a pair of brogues, some denim jeans and a pink swuade skirt. Amy Bought 2 dresses 4 pairs of shorts 2 pairs of shoes and a ridiculous bag that must of cost her a fortune..

When we came out of Topshop it was half past 6 and my feet were close to falling off and so were amys. We went to the closest starbucks to there to just get a cup of tea and relax for an hour or so. Amy stamped in there making alot of noise which made the whole caffe look at us, great amy. I told her to go right to the back to get us some empty seats while I orderd our teas. When I had them I walked quietly and slightly embarresed to the back of the caffe where amy was sat waiting for me. I gave her her drink and she said "Seriously, God im so thankfull for this wonderfull creation of a seat" She said it again really loud which yet again made everyone stare. On the right hand there were these 2 boys who looked slightly familiar looking at us, I didnt know where i saw them from but I new id seen them before. I went to amy "Am, you know them 2 boys over there do you recognise them?" She turned her head where I was looking and she froze, literally. I was confused and didnt know what to do I said "Amy, Amy, who are they?!" She replied immediatly saying "Kate there from one direction you know, that band my little sister loves." Oh my god, I knew who they were now. I wasnt sure of there names but ive seen there faces. Amys little sister georgia always sang there song so i knew of them. The one with the curley hair turned as I was starring into space at there direction. He must of thought I was some creep. I wasnt really botherd they were there though. They were just like us. Typical people wanting to relax. Although me and amy wanted to get there autographs for Georgia we didnt, We didnt want to bother them and seem annoying. But then the weirdest thing happened, they got up and started walking towards us. And soon after there were 2 gorgeous boys stood at the other side of our table...



 Sorry, this is my first chapter of my first ever fanfic. Its probably going to not be that good but i'd like people to read it and see what they think :p thanks hahaha xxx

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