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Ash's POV

"I.... I can't BELIEVE IT! Why, am I really that weak to them?" I monologue. Pikachu at my side, trying his best to calm me down. My cheeks flared up with hot tears. My eyes went red from crying. My breathing were getting tense. I choked a soft sob in my neck. I just couldn't believe it. 

"i helped them when they in danger. I thought them to be the best. Heck even May will still be stuck in her damn home if it wasn't for me. Serena wouldn't be the famous celebrity she is now," I cried. Pikachu rubbed his head into the palm of my hand. 

I've decide. I'm going to run away from this house. It is not safe. I've heard about them trying to pay an assassin me. I need to pack up now.


3rd POV

Ash walked heavily to his house. He let out a defeat sigh. He couldn't believe it. He lost the Alola League. Now, its his 6th defeat in a row. After all of his hard work, he came in 2nd place, defeated by Hau. His eyes grew tired. He's really fatigued.

"Hey Pikachu we're almost there buddy," he scratched the back of his trusty partner's head. The yellow rodent cooed at the touch. He doesn't care if Ash lost the league, he couldn't find any trainer as kind as Ash. After 5 minutes more of walking. They finally arrived at the Ketchum's residence.

Strangely, the place was quiet. No..... TOO QUIET. Like it has no people living there. He sighed. He knocked on the door of his front house. 


 The door bust out. Revealing a women in her 30's hugged her son in a bone crushing hug.

"ASH, it's been a long time since you set your foot in this house. How's my baby boy doing ? I hope you've been changing your underw -"

"MOM! I'm 18 now. And yes I've been changing it." replied the raven haired trainer with a blush of embarrassment. 

He sighed. He need to tell her about his defeat.


Delia turned around. Looking at her son cluelessly.

"What is it Ash?"

"I- I- I lost the league again. I'm sorry.  I couldn't do it. No matter how hard I tried. I knew that you a high hope on me. But I didn't accomplish it. I'm sorry," his hat lowered down. Covering his face from his dear mother. Afraid she will get mad at her.

Delia just smiled. She knew that something was up with Ash. He is her son. She knew that he tried his best. Trying to shine the Ketchum's name just like his father, Red Ketchum.

She put a hand on his soft hair, thus ruffling it gently. Ash stared into her.

"I knew you did your best Ash. No need to be sorry. Come on tiger, don't be sad. Let's have a big dinner for your winning in second place. Oh all of your friends are here too. They said they want to meet you," she went to the kitchen to prepare the meal.

Ash was surprised. Didn't think his friends were here. he walked into the house. He then made his way to the living room. There arrived his companions and friends. There are Clemont, Serena. Bonnie, Clemont, Lillie, Kiawe, Lana, Mallow, Dawn, May, Max, Brock, Gary. But the most shocking was that even Drew, Alain, Sawyer, Tierno and Calem was also there. He looked at them confusingly.

"Guys what's up? Are you mad at something?" Ash looked at the worriedly. Almost all of them has a mad face on them. Misty burst out her anger.

"You utter USELESS KETCHUM! YOU KEEP LOSING EVERYTIME IN THE LEAGUE. WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST DO US A FAVOR AND GIVE UP!" some of the others nodded. While the others had an shocked expression.

Ash's eyes went larged. Just what he thought. He knew this would happen anytime soon. Losing in the league had been fuzzing them.

"Your a failire Ketchum. How about you go out and become a whore or something," Let out Serena, his crush. Him, a whore? Maybe that will suit Serena more.








"ENOUGH!!"Ash let out an outburst of anger. His face went red in anger. Delia rushed out of the kitchen to the living room. Only to reveal his son standing in front of his friends. His chest rose up and down, steadying his breathing. He held his fist in anger. 

"So that's what you think of me, a failure. How 'bout you reflect that back to yourself the moment you didn't get any help except for ME," he shouted. Delia stand there, not knowing what to do.

"I'm the one who helped you guys to be the star. You guys wouldn't be standing in then news if it wasn't for me. You guys wouldn't be strong. So why do you want to betray me the moment need you the MOST!" 

The room went silent. They were shocked. No one would thought that Ash has his bad side as well. A tear leaked out in the corner of his eyes.

"You guys are a disgrace. You betrayed on left him to rot when you guys reached the top. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!!" Delia shouted. The others faces went plae seeing the women outburst. Almost all of them went out while some of them went to Ash to comfort him.

They were the Alolan gang. Hilbert, Hilda were also there. Ash dropped to his knee. 

"Ash we know that you are not a failure. I know that you will blow the league the next moment you fight again," Hilbert put a hand on Ash's shoulder. He smiled. They are his REAL friends.

"Thanks a lot you guys. For your support," the next moment. he stood up knowing what to do next.


Ash's POV

Alright then, I need to left a note for mom. It's for her own safety. Pikachu went up to my shoulder while i'm writing the note. I went out of the house. I released my Charizard. I've took every single of my Pokemon. Looks like Professor Oak even sided with the traitors.

"Alright Charizard, let's go to Los Angeles (Alternate)" the overgrow lizard flapped is wing. Speeding through the skies, heading to Los Angeles.

While at Los Angeles


Whew, finally my show is done. I'm finally gonna go home. I think daddy is still working on a new case lately. Well, Athena did say she's gonna hang out with me. Well I couldn't wait.

I walked to the street. It's really dark. It's making me hard to see.

3rd POV

Behind the alley, a group of three man were spying on the girl with lust on their eyes. 

"Well well well, look who it is. A new target!" they licked their lips. She's not going to know what is going to be in store for her.

The Trainer and The Magician  ( Ash x Trucy) A CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now