chapter four

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Hey wonderful people. I love you all and I'm not gonna go on with some sap story. Just know I love you and you will have updates when I can. If I loose readers because of that oh well I can't help when I can and can't update. Either way here's chapter four.

"loueh?" zayn yelled from the living room. louis was currently in the kitchen pouring glasses of wine. The night had so far consisted of marijuana, alcohol, and scary movies. which had zayn paranoid as fuck thinking there was a scary murderer in the house every fifteen minutes. louis finished pouring the fourth glass of wine and went to join his friends and lover in the living room.  niall was was smoking from a bong when louis walked in with the wine. louis passed out the glasses as niall passed the bong to zayn who took no time lighting the contraption and taking big puffs of smoke into his lungs before passing it to harry. harry then took his turn with the bong before passing it to louis who was graciously accepted it and took a large puff of smoke himself.


the boys were in the middle of watching annabelle creation when there was a loud banging on the door causing them all to jump almost out of their skin. they all shared worried glances they had no idea who it could be. the boys hid the drugs and louis and harry hid their glasses of wine before niall sprayed air freshener handing the boys some gum and zayn went to answer the door.

"mrs. tomlinson," zayn said from the door and louis cursed under his breath. louis's mom wasted no time entering niall and zayn's house uninvited before making her way over to louis and slapping him across the face.

"god damn it louis! i did not raise you to be like this. to throw away your life and waste it on some faggot! now you will come with me!." she slurs, clearly drunk, grabbing onto louis's arm. louis grabbed her hand and threw it off of him.

"don't fucking touch me mom. you don't get to bring your stick-in-the-mud, dried up, old, holy rolling , shriveled up, homophobic ass to my friends' house and think that you have some sort of control over me. just like you said when i told you i was gay. i am a no good for nothing fuck-up and a disgrace to the tomlinson name, so if you would be so kind as to get the fuck back to your house, masturbate with a crucifix and forget you ever had a son because you're dead to me." louis screamed his throat burned when he was done.

"i think it would be better if all three of you left." zayn said sending sympathetic looks to harry louis. he was not angry with either of them, he just knew how louis's mom was, she would leave and call the cops just to get the four boys in trouble because louis wouldn't listen to her. harry nodded and went upstairs to start gathering he and louis's things as johanna was escorted out of the house by niall. louis was fuming, he hated his mother. she was never accepting of his sexuality and she was the biggest hypocrite in town. louis wondered what the church would think about one of their devoted members getting so wasted she passes out almost every night. zayn went over to his friend and sympathetically wrapped an arm around his shoulders. soon enough harry came back downstairs with his and louis's things and, after saying bye to their two older friends, they were on their way out the door. louis stayed pretty well silent the whole beginning of the walk until harry spoke.

"what's on your mind baby?" harry asks. louis's temper has always been pretty bad and he has always taken it out on harry when he was in a bad mood.

"oh, i don't know harry, how about the fact that my skank ass mother just showed up at our friends' house and insulted not only me but you as well!" louis spat causing the anger to also ride inside of harry.

"well, it isn't my fault louis, maybe your mom should just get so drunk that she passes out and she doesn't wake up would that solve all of our problems? no!" harry spat back anger taking over all five of his senses.

"you know what?! you're impossible! all i have been doing is working my arse off since yours got laid off and you do nothing! you haven't even been looking for a job! fuck you harry, stay the hell out of my life!" louis said storming off harry just started on his way home. he knew Louis would cool off eventually and head to the apartment the boys shared so he didn't even bother going after him.


louis stumbled down the dark alley, scared out of his mind. he wished he had stayed with harry instead of being so stubborn he had to endure two of his fears, being alone, and the dark. louis gets almost out of the alley when he hears gravel scrape behind him. he peeks over his shoulder out of his peripheral vision and sees four large figures. he tries to run but fails. before he can even get enough traction one of the men had grabbed his shirt. the pale light shining on the man's face revealed his identity to louis. louis was shocked to say the least when he learned whom had been his aggressor.

"stan?" louis croaked. he hadn't seen stan since he dropped out of high school, a month before louis had. he and louis had been best friends until stan found out Louis was gay.

"still a faggot?" he asked. louis couldn't say anything. he was scared of what was going to happen next. All louis can hear are the croaks of late night animals and the rest of the guys with stan. the last thing he remembers is a foot to his face before he completely looses consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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