The return of a Titan

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Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or Avengers, they belong to Rooster Teeth and Marvel Comics respectively.


Deep within the forests of Anima, approximately 5 kilometres south of the Branwen bandit tribe, a portal consisting of swirling blues and blacks suddenly appeared and out dropped an absolute mountain of a man. Even while lying on his back, it was obvious the man was well around 8 feet tall, dressed in regal-like armour with a gold and purple colour scheme, along with a helmet. Facial features a neatly trimmed blonde beard, strands of blonde hair sticking out of his helmet and should they be open, blue eyes that could be compared to sapphires. However, it was what was on his left hand that would draw immediate attention.

A golden gauntlet with six multi-coloured gems, each on a respective finger; a green gem on his thumb, a purple gem for the index finger, blue for the middle finger, red for the ring finger, orange for the pinky finger, and on the back of his hand is a yellow gem.

What most in existence doesn't know while very few do, is that each of these stones is a by-product of the birth of the universe itself, with each controlling an essential aspect of it; green for Time, purple for Power, blue for Space, red for Reality, orange for Soul and yellow for Mind. Individually each stone is powerful in their own rights, but when all six are brought together can they manipulate the fabric of the universe itself.

The few who knew of their existence sought them for their own goals, dreams and desires, but only one has ever accomplished this task; The Mad Titan, Thanos. A man respected and feared alike for his strength and tactical mind, leading the universe's biggest army and wiping out half the population of every world he has ever gone to, all in the name of bringing balance to the universe, which he accomplished, as with the power of all six stones, he snapped his fingers and half of the universe's population ceased to exist.

But not without challenge, as even when scattered amongst the stars, the Avengers (along with the Guardians of the Galaxy) were there to halt his efforts and take the stones from him, only to fail in the end. It all came to an end as Thor, the Asgardian god of thunder, hurled his newly acquired axe into Thanos' chest, not before Thanos snapped his fingers and escaped a portal conjured from the Space stone, landing here in the woods.


A groan came from his mouth, as the mountain of a man slowly but surely opened his eyes to observe his surroundings. As he gaze upon the tree tops, he became confused as thoughts ran through his head. 'Where am I? Last I remember was escaping from what remained of the Avengers after I used the stones. So where exactly am I?' he thought as he sat himself up to better judge his environment, seeing that he appeared to be in a forest of sorts. Standing up to his towering height, he plotted his next course of action regarding this new dilemma.

"As far as I see it, I first need to find out where I am, then make my way from there." he said with a deep, but also light toned, voice. When he heard his voice he became confused, as normally his voice was deeper, but he didn't put to much thought into it before walking to where he presumed North was.

=Time Skip=

Around 15 minutes later since he started walking, Thanos decided to take stock and check his current condition. Looking down at himself, he sees that his armour is in well maintained condition, practically brand new by the looks of things, but it was his Infinity Gauntlet that intrigued him the most. When he snapped his fingers, the power of the stones became to much to bear, which resulted in the gauntlet becoming decayed almost. To have brand new looking was something that even he didn't know the answers to.

'It may be possible that I channeled the Time Stone's power when crea-' his thoughts were cut off as when he cupped his chin a thinking pose, he felt his beard, which surprised him considering he didn't have one before. With this in mind he decided to find a water source to check what else has changed.

Lucky for him there was a river just to his right, which he promptly went over to and gasped in shock at what he saw. Blonde beard and hair, sapphire blue eyes and his slightly tanned skin, these were all things Thanos didn't have when he left, but he did once, a lifetime ago when he was known under a different and scorned name.

Jaune Arc

Just thinking of that name brought unwanted and forgotten memories back to the titan's mind, as thoughts of a certain group of 'friends', the hate and abuse he endured and just the overall pain he suffered during his time at Beacon Academy. After Forever Fall and him warning Cardin Winchester to stay away from his friends, he believed he could train in peace; how wrong he was. The waste of human trash blatantly shouted to the entire student body about his falsified transcripts, rendering him the most hated person there, especially amongst seven unique individuals to which he hates with his very being.

They all expressed their immense hatred for him, stating he didn't belong there, he could've gotten someone killed due to his inexperience and that he disgusted them. Hell, even PYRRHA, his own partner straight up said to him how he should just give up and leave Beacon, right before walking off with the rest of them. Since then he has been in a depression due to scorn he earned not only from the students, but the teachers too (Glynda Goodwitch most of all, not surprising her dislike for the blonde even when she didn't know about his transcripts).

He spent less and less time eating and sleeping all just train and study, hoping to catch up to his classmates and prove he was worth some worth, but lack of sleep and nourishment left him weaker than before, worsening the situation. After a month of hate and pain, Jaune decided to launch himself into the Emerald Forest, re-living initiation on his own to prove them wrong, only to be ambushed and stung by a Deathstalker, smaller than the one he and his 'team' fought before but just as deadly.

So when he found himself on another, but beautiful, world as a different species altogether, he promised himself to never be weak like that ever again and make a name for himself, that name soon being the 'Mad Titan', and as they say, the rest is history. So as he gazed upon his once again human form, it is understandable he holds a disliking for his past self and his weakness. That dislike only increased as he saw the moon within the water's reflection and came to a conclusion on where he was. Out of all the worlds and all the massacres he has conducted over his life, only one planet came to mind when thinking of a shattered moon.

"Remnant, of all worlds to wake upon, why must it be this one?" he asked, spitting 'Remnant' out with disgust evident. Now knowing what world he was on, he decided to at the very least see what has changed over at Beacon. Entering a portal created from the Space Stone, Jaune (Thanos is going to be known as Jaune throughout the remainder of the story) soon vanished from the forests of Anima.


A mess

That is what greeted Jaune as he exited the portal and gazed upon what remained of Vale. Buildings destroyed, brick and stone littering the roads, seeing all this his mind flashed back to all the invasions he conducted on the numerous worlds he visited. He was brought out of his musings when a feminine but experienced voice reached his ears.

"Mr Arc?" A woman said, turning around he soon spotted the shocked and surprised eyes of Professor Glynda Goodwitch. Not much has changed with her appearance, from her blouse to her skirt and stockings. Though looking at her, he made sure his disappointment for this was known through facial expression, i.e his large frown and furrowed brows.

"Glynda Goodwitch, mind explaining what has happened in my absence?" he asked seriously, seeing her flinch at him most likely not referring to her as Ms or Professor Goodwitch like before, showing just how much he has changed.

This is gonna be a long day, he can feel it.


In light of Avengers: Endgame, I decided to write a story where Jaune is the Titan himself. I am aware there are stories where Jaune gets the Infinity Gauntlet in some way or form, and I will say they have inspired me to write this.

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