Of shocking revelations PT2

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Author's Notes

Ladies & Gentleman, Boys and Girls and that, one technicolor rainbow in between. I've come with Part 2 of The Mad Arc: Of Shocking Revelations. You may know the main story plot from the following chapters *inserts previous chapter names*, but if you weren't reading them, then I will absorb you into my fan base, and personally smother you in affection.

 You may know the main story plot from the following chapters *inserts previous chapter names*, but if you weren't reading them, then I will absorb you into my fan base, and personally smother you in affection

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Note: Italics for past character speech. Underline for Jinn.

"The Titans, an advanced race that dwells the surface of the planet Titan. It was here, that Jaune Arc was given the chance of a new life." Jinn narrated, the collected group looking at the beautiful landscape. Lush green fields, with weird metal objects in the sky to look like stars. No matter where they looked, gigantic (to human standards) purple people walked and thrived in peace. One such man is the newly reincarnated Jaune, looking at everything with caution but also curiosity.

"Jaune was rightfully cautious, being thrown into a new environment so suddenly, but when he realised he had changed in appearance to match those around him, he knew he had been blessed with a second chance at life." The group were greeted to the sight of Jaune walking into a mildly isolated field, and then starting a farm. Over the course of time, Jaune improved his home, starting off as a wooden shack before turning it into a proper house (something that Oscar help but respect). He had managed the crops wonderfully, separating the harvested food in half, selling one portion while planting the other half for more produce. "Soon, it came to the point that he needed a new name, seeing as he died previously. So, it was then, that Thanos was born in his stead."

Once again scene changing, the group were greeted to Jaune, now Thanos, sitting on a stool with a concerned expression. "Eventually, he came across a worrying problem; there wasn't enough to go around for everyone. Children starving, scrounging for scraps just to survive. IT hurt his heart seeing such a thing. Trying to come up with a solution to fix this crisis, he could only think of one solution which would hold merit..." Thanos soon stood up with a regretful but resolved expression, the viewers anxious to hear his solution. When they heard it, they couldn't help but gasp in shock and horror, even Ozpin surprisingly.

"Genocide of half the population."

In a blue mist, the scene showed Thanos going from person to person, even to the governmental leaders, detailing his solution. But no matter how hard he tried, no matter how much he pleaded them to listen, they all turned down his ideas and labelled as 'mad'; soon the inevitable happened.

What was once green fields now but a barren landscape, the wonders of their technology crumbled to the ground in wrecks. Turning to the left, the right, behind them, it didn't change the undeniable fact they faced with horror filled hearts. This placed had died, along with everyone on it...all but one. Thanos walked the once lively ground, a frown upon his face. "Thanos soon became the last of his kind, the only one who knew the marvels this once beautiful planet produced. He was all alone." hopping into some sort of ship, Thanos soon escaped the planet in search of salvation.

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