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Third pov
Izuka and katsuki were sitting in class the teacher came in and said something about career papers but through the papers in the air and said "but i know you all want to be heros" the class cheared and showed off there powers katsuki made some rude coments but izuka wasent listening she was iseing her ice to make a sculpture she often did this and evwn sold some of them to the class this time she was makeing the U.A symbol she was cut from her concentration and her sculpture fell shatering when someone bumped into her deak she looked up at the person and saw that him and katsuki were arguing she tapped him on the shoulder when he turned around he saw her glareing at him he backed up and tried to find why she was mad at him other than the fact that he was fighting with
katsuki when he saw ice on the ground he immediately started to apologize she growled but sat back down and started to work again one of the other females came over and asked "what are you making this time izuka" she looked up at the girl taking a short break from her work and smiled at her saying " a U.A simble ime thinking of coting it with iron if you want it" the girl giggled and said "i would but i only brought enough money for lunch today" izuka smiled and said "thats fine your one of my best customers ill let you have this one" the class was once again shocked thinking 'how could someone so nice hang out with katsuki' the girl said "well i buy them cause you always do really good at this and there always pretty" katsuki and izuka laughed and izuka said "i wasent always when i first started it was to help me controle my powers and i was terrible actually i think
kacchan still has one of the first ones i made" katsuki nodded and pulled it out you could tell what she had tried to make but i was sloppy "i tried to make a flower but i waited to long to add the iron so it melted a little and i forgot to leave a hole for the watter to drain out so" katsuki shook it and you could hear the watter in it move around one of the students then asked "dosent makeing these make you less powerfull" izuka nodded but said "but i can just eat ice and it will come back" everyone was confused till izuka asked "kacchan do you want to show them why we work together so well" he nodded and started to make explosions and izuka sucked up the fire then lit her hands on fire and even made her fire wright something it said "see" the class was amazed by her powers she put out her fire and said "im in a good mood today so ill take request for this week only you can get a statue free" people started to croud around her making requests she started to make them most were simple till one boy said "hey um izuka could i ask you to make something in private" izuka nodded and said "everyone just right down what you want keep in mind i dont do anything perverted so if thats your idea i will fry you if you put it" most of the boys huffed and sat down when they got to the hall the boy asked "ium was wondering if you could make a rose" izuka nodded and said "sure but why did you want to ask out here" he smiled and said "well um im trying to inpress may and i want to give her the rose as a surprise" izuka smiled and said "of course ill be sure to do my best your very nice she is very lucky" he was very confused and said "um izuka if you dont mind me asking do you have a guy in mind" izuka smiled and said "well thats quiet complicated you see um us dragon slayers have mate someone we are descend to be with i just hope he or she is as nice as you" he raised an eyebrow and asked "you havent met them" izuka shook her head and said "no not yet but i will" he nodded and said "well good luck i hope hes a good person and treats you well" izuka sniled and said thank you then quickly started to work on the rose she disided to go into greater detail because of how nice he is and why he wants it made but she also tried to work guickly once she was done with the ice sge used her iron to coat it makeing sure to leave a hole in it to get the watter out and pit iron in when done she carved mays name in the stem of the rose she walked back into the classroom and handed it to him making sure to point out the name he smiled and thanked her and went to may izuka looked at the list seeing all the names and orders she saw some quit easy one like a ring she looked at the name and said "lilly if you come here i can make this rimg now but ill need your hand" she nodded and walked over izuka made a circle around her finger with ice then added a place for a stone she took it off and covered it in iron when she was done with that izuka asked "whats your birth stone" the girl told her and izuka used her earth dragon slayer power to make it fitting it into the holder then handed it to the girl she squealed and huged izuka to witch izuka growled at her she let go and izuka said she was sorry then said "its a dragons instinct to only let there mate and family that close till i have marked my mate ill be hostile to anyone who isent him my mother or kacchan" the girl gave a confused look and asked "why katsuki" "he is like a brother to me he has protected me and helped me in many ways hes even been trying to help me find my mate you might think he is mean but hes only that way to push you to try and beat him and when you fail you will train to try again what best to motivate someone than a challenge" the girl nodded and walked away after saying good luck with her mate the day ended and izuka told katsuki to go ahead that she was going a different way he agreed and walked out she packed he stuff and left she was walking through a tunnel when she heard something tring to sneak up one her she turned around aand said "i know your there just come out or should i smoke you out" s man that looked like he was made of sluge came out of the sewer tunnle and said "and how would you do that little one" izuka smirked and said "like this" and let her hands on fire then said "now it seems your running witch would only mean your a villan so why dont you just stay right there" the man laughed and tried to run at her she froze the floor and him but left his mouth uncovered and said "fine ill make you stay" she sat down and waited adding more ice if needed till she heared someone running her way from underground she stood up and waited she saw allmight pop up and said "before you say anything know i have sensitive ears" he nodded and looked at the sluge villan and said "is he ok" she nodded and said "i made sure he could breathe he just cant move he tried to sneek up on me and when i called him out he tried to attack so i froze him" allmight nodded and said "well thank you miss" he stoped and izuka said "izuka allmight sir" he nodded and said "im can you like unfreeze him" izuka nodded and ised her fire to dertha him then gave him enough volts to nock him out used her controle over watter to put him in a bottle sealing the lid by melting it on and said "there you go just be carefull i may have sealed the lid but the bottle can still break if hit hard enough" allmight nodded and flew away she kept walking till she heared an explosion she used her lightning to go faster and got there in no time when she got there the sight angered her her eyes changed to a rainbow

A simble ime thinking of coting it with iron if you want it" the girl giggled and said "i would but i only brought enough money for lunch today" izuka smiled and said "thats fine your one of my best customers ill let you have this one" the class w...

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The people felt her rise in power and steped back even some heros looked at her surprised she stepped forward and with each step the concrete started to melt and bubble no one dared to go near her when the sluge saw her he started to get scared she looked at him and said "why dont you drop my brother before i make you i gave you a break earlier by just handing you over to the heros but you harm him and you will regret it" he nodded and let katsuki go izuka used her water powers to controle him and said "you made the right choice not to tempt a dragon" and with that she nocked him out she walked to  katsuki and healed him he opened his eyes and said "thanks izuka" she smiled and helped him up and over to the croud she looked at the heros who were just standing there and said "well arnt you going to arrest him" mtlady answered and said "we cant if hes like this mam" izuka nodded and used her powers to compress him into a Square befor freezing him then handed him to mtlady who said "you have the dragon slayer quirk right" izuka nodded and said "yes i do and dragons dont take kindly to people tring to hurt there family" mtlady nodded and toke the villan to the cops izuka and katsuki started to walk home till she heard allmight comeing she told him to go ahead he nodded and left saying thanks again when allmight got there he said "hello izuka its nice to see you again" she nodded and said "likewise what do you need" allmight explained that he needed a successor and showed her his smallmight form and told her how he had been hurt when he was done she said "well if the only reason you need a successor is because of that wond then why dont you just let me heal it with my sky dragon slayer powers" he was shocked and asked "you can do that" she nodded and walked to him then used her healing powers when she was done you couldnt even tell he had been hurt she then said "it should be fully healed if you feel any pain here my adress come the immediately and for a couple of days you should try your best to not get hit there its still healing on the inside it will take about a day to finish" he nodded and asked "how would you feel about me recommending you to U.A from what ive seen if you were to take the test no one else would have a chance" izuka nodded and said "that would be fine" he nodded and said "well i should go and get back to work" she nodded and they went there separate ways when she got home she yelled out "mom dad im home sorry im late i got caught up" Shota walked out of the kitchen and said "of we heard what happend" izuka looked down and said "im sorry i know yall want me to be carefull but" Shota stoped her by huging her and said "its ok were very proud of you for protect katsuki and everyone that was there" izuka smiled and huged him back

izuka (fem izuku) the multi dragon slayer. BHNA fanficWhere stories live. Discover now