Ch7) A Welcome to the New Members

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Yuna's POV
'Rades and who else was it. I've seen him before.'

Magna - "Hey Yuna what you thinking about over there?"
I jumped as Magna came over to talk

"Oh its nothing."

Asta - "Yuna if something is bothering you, you can tell us. We're knights we're meant to trust each other."

"I know but...ok then: so lately i was thinking about that day when we got attacked in the capital and I've seen those people around from somewhere and i know who they are but what are their names??"

I suddenly jumped, again, when there was a shout.


Everyone walked away but in the corner of my eye i could see Noelle approach me.
Noelle - "Hey umm you can tell us about it when we're waiting at the castle."
She spoke in a nervous voice.

Yuna - "Sure."

At the Castle:
When all the knight squads arrived, we were escorted to a huge circular table where everyone sat.
The wizard king and the king of the clover kingdom came in and Marx followed beside the wizard king.

Wizard king - "Hello everyone, this is our first time meeting and i am Julius, Julius Novachrono and i am the 29th wizard king of the Clover Kingdom. As you can tell a few days ago we had an attack and many civilians have died. Although the Captain of the Crimson Lions, Fuegoleon Vermillion is in a coma because of his injuries.
Unfortunately we was not able to be there as soon as possible to save the others.
But luckily we were able to capture one of the enemies and take them hostage, we asked some questions and gathered information and this is what we have found out..."

Everone listened carefully

Julius - "So far we found out that a squad containing 50 mages are called 'The Eye of the Midnight Sun"

Hearing that made it echoe in my head endlessly. It triggered me but what does it make me think of? Think Yuna, think.

Julius - "The squad has a leader called Licht and the 3 strongest mages Vetto, the despair, Fana, the hateful and Raia, the disloyal. Together they are the 3rd eye."

Yami - "What a fishy name, why are they called that?"

After Julius spoke I quickly spoke after.
Yuna - "Hateful, Despair and Disloyal are the 3 opposites of the Clover Kingdom's leaves: Faith, Hope and Love. They are known to destroy so thats why they are the opposites."

After i was finished, everyone looked at me with suprise and shock.

Julius - "Wow you have a lot of information on them do you have anymore? and what is your name?"

Yuna - "Oh umm my name is Y-, Yuna...I dont have a last name so I'm just Yuna and umm well i know them. And im pretty sure thats it for the introduction."

Sol - "We can tell you're lying about not having a last name so... why do you not wanna say your last name?"

Yuna- "you'll probably hate me since everyone does back where i come from."

Asta - "We won't, don't worry."

Magna - "Remember earlier, we're meant to be there for each other lil Yuna."

Yuna - "Ok, I'm Yuna Royal.."


Yuna - "Yeah."

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