imagine #4 - Baby Days (j.d)

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You let a yawn escape your lips, as you checked the clock. 5:30 AM. You had never been a morning person, but having a newborn baby had pretty much forced you to change that, getting woken up at all hours of the night and morning. You wouldn't change it for the world, no matter how tired you were. This tiny bundle in your arms, drifting off to sleep after her feed, was worth everything you'd gone through.

It had been hard, this past month. Especially labour. You had had your mother and Mary there, but it had been painful and took hours and hours and the one person you wanted there holding your hand was on the other side of the world.
Your daughter was originally supposed to be delivered the week after Queen returned to the country, but your little baby had decided that three weeks early was when she wanted to come. You just thanked whatever God there was that she had been delivered healthily.

Her tiny snores filled your ears, and you gently placed her in the cot, the one that Deacy had assembled before he had left, as you had set up her nursey. You kissed her tiny noise, and glanced at the clock again. Only two hours until they got back.
You had never felt more excited in your life - finally, your fiancée could meet his child, after a week of their only contact was hearing her down the phone, he gurgles of happiness, her cries.
Mary had picked you up, to take you to the airport to pick up John, your daughter wrapped up carefully in several layers.
"She's beautiful, isn't she." Mary commented as she drove.
You agreed. "She's going to have Johns curly hair, I can tell. I'm glad. I love that hair." You gently pushed back a few locks of her wispy baby hair as she slept.
"It's so odd." Mary laughed. "You've turned into this amazing mum so quickly, and with barely any help."
You smiled. "I don't know.. I just feel like this is what I was supposed to do, you know? Be her mum."
Mary smiled. "Aww."
You laughed. "I know, I'm a sap."
"Well you're about to be more of a sap, because we're nearly here."
You waited at the entrance to the airport, tapping your foot impatiently, in excitement. You hadn't seen John in over a month and a half, and you had missed him. Of course you had. It was the little things that made you miss him the most - when you forgot for a few seconds how exactly he smiled at you early in the morning, his odd but endearing dance moves, the exact colour of his curls.

You were jolted out of your thoughts by a group of voices you knew all too well, and your head snapped up, to see the boy you loved standing, walking toward you, only a few metres away. Mary flew to Freddie, enveloped him in a strong hug, but you couldn't move your legs. You just stared, a huge smile on your face, tears welling in your eyes.

"Hello, love." Your eyes drank him in, making up for what you'd missed. His hair was longer, slightly, and a beaming grin was on his face.

"Deacy." You grinned, with watery eyes.

You almost threw your arms around him. Almost. Before-

"Is this her?" His voice was in awe, as he looked at the sleeping child in your eyes. A tear slipped down his cheek.

"Hold her." You said gently, as he held out his arms, staring at this tiny child who was his.

"You've been so brave." He said after a few moments, looking up at you. "I'm so... god, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you."

"You're here now, that's all that matters." You said thickly, tears in your own eyes. You had promised yourself you wouldn't be so emotional. That was out of the window.

"She's so beautiful. She looks so much like you." He whispered, as you wiped away his tear with your thumb, kissing his lips gently.

"I can't believe she's ours." You agreed, both of you looking at this tiny baby that was a part of your new little family.

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