Dead body

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I was lying on Scott's bed, reading a book while Scott finished up tying the strings on his lacrosse stick. I had spent a few nights here  but tomorrow I was going back home to Stiles. At first it was supposed to be the three of us spending the last few days together before school started again, but Stiles had gotten grounded. He and I might have turned up at a crime scene and, accidentally of course, damaged evidence with footprints. Luckily for me, it was Stiles who stepped on whatever it was and I was fast enough to leave before John saw me. I had escaped the punishment by feigning innocence later that evening when I was questioned, but Stiles hadn't. 

A grin spread on my face when I thought about it. Sometimes I still had a hard time believing they had taken me in to their families. I can still wake up at night thinking I'm back in my mother's hell hole or in yet another stupid family. It might be six years ago, but I still remember the day the three of us met like it was yesterday.

It was almost six years ago. After one of my neighbours heard yelling and things shattering he had called the police and when they arrived, I was brought back to the station by the Sheriff. I had met Mr. Stilinski numerous of times before and I had liked him from the start. Maybe it was those light green, kind eyes or the empathetic smile he used to wear every time we met. No matter what it was, I trusted him. And me trusting someone was a rare thing.

It had just been two months since I moved back to my mom, and now here I was again, curled up in a chair in the Sheriff's office. My chin rested on my knees, my arms wrapped around them tightly while staring at the desk in front of me.

"Didn't work out this time either, huh?" Mr. Stilinski sighed, arms on the desk and looking at me sadly. His eyes fixated on the fresh cut on my cheek. My mother had thrown a plate at me, which I managed to dodge but a shard had flown across my cheek after the plate had smashed into the wall behind me. I shook my head slightly and I felt a tear slowly roll down my cheek. After a few minutes of silence I could see in the corner of my eye how his eyes lit up, as if he just got an idea. 

"I'm going to make some calls, you can wait outside for a while." I released my grip around my knees and silently walked out of the office, closing the door behind me and sat down on a bench a few feet away. Through the windows I could see him frantically looking at papers. What was he up to? I didn't get to continue my thoughts because two boys walked up to me. One of them had slightly pale skin and a buzz cut and the other one had short, dark hair and brown eyes. They looked like they're in my age, maybe a year or two younger. Instead of looking at them, I stare straight ahead of me, trying to ignore them. A few minutes pass and I can still feel their gazes' burn on me. Why weren't they leaving?

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I turned my head as a voice broke the tense silence. I think it was the boy with the buzz cut because he was watching me eagerly. I didn't answer him, but I didn't look away again, either. The boy didn't seem to take it badly, because he smiled and opened his mouth again.

"I'm Stiles, and this is Scott" he introduces himself and then points a finger at his friend before sitting down next to me. "I've seen you here before. What's your name?" I continued my silent treatment. Maybe if I don't talk to him, he and his friend will leave me alone. "It's okay, you don't have to say it if you don't want to. That's my dad, by the way." he says proudly, pointing to the Sheriff's office. "We're waiting for him to drive us home. Where do you live?" Does this boy ever get quiet? I shrug my shoulders. Who knows where I'm going next? "You don't know? How can you not know where you live?" he asks, eyes wide with confusion.

"Because I don't have a home." I snap, quickly clasping my right hand over my mouth. I didn't intend to say anything to Stiles, but I guess his unstopped talking got to me.

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