Chapter 10

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Michael drove down the afternoon road at a leisure pace, his hand absentmindedly steering the truck as he allowed his thoughts to wander. Jade and he had had a small spat earlier, and he was currently driving about in hopes of clearing his head. However, as he turned a corner, a ray of sun shone through the window, and a reflection of light in the passenger seat caught his attention. He cursed under his breath as he realized it was Jade's police belt, the sun having reflected off the sleek black surface of the gun in its' holster, and he changed his route to return to the house, knowing Sheila had work later that night and would need her belt. However, when he turned the next corner, his eyes caught sight of his ex-wife's house, which was perfectly normal of course; what caught his attention was Lauren, who was exiting said building. Suspicion flared instantly as he eyed her, remembering all her unexplained sporadic disappearances as of late. Lauren's gaze was lowered to her iPod screen, and she turned onto the sidewalk in the direction of the school without seeming to notice Michael's familiar truck at all. The man took full advantage of this, quickly driving forth a little ways and u-turning at the nearest intersection. He drove forward again, going until the brunette's figure was just in his view before slowing down his vehicle to an idle roll, beginning to trail inconspicuously behind his daughter in hopes of avoiding suspicion. The teenager seemed to remain oblivious to her pursuer, tapping at something on her iPod as she continued on her route without worry.

After a few minutes, they reached Lauren's destination, and Michael's brow furrowed in further suspicion when she led him straight to an old shed at the edge of the school yard. The brunette clambered skillfully up onto the window ledge, despite her casted ankle, and put a hand to her stomach as she carefully slipped inside.

Michael glanced around curiously before pulling his truck up on the side of the road.


Lauren didn't even bother turning to look when she heard someone struggling in through the window behind her; she knew who it was, and her back muscles tensed in anticipation.

"Lauren, what are you doing in here? Is this where you've been disappearing off to?" Michael's voice asked, a little breathless from his scrimmage through the window as his feet landed unsteadily on the mattress. He carefully stepped down, approaching Lauren slowly in question. However, he stopped in his tracks as the window slammed forcefully shut behind him, jumping in surprise as he whipped his head around to look at the window that seemed to have shut on it's own.

"You killed Camila," Lauren muttered in an accusatory tone, not at all phased by the window closing itself. Michael froze at the words, turning to stare at his daughter's rigid back incredulously.

"... What? "

Lauren finally turned to face him, nothing but bitter anger on her face. "I said you killed Camila. Camila Cabello. Ring any bells?"

"I have no idea what you-"

"Cut the bullshit. I know you did."

Michael didn't respond, narrowing his eyes as a small stare-down began between the two Jaureguis'. However, Lauren didn't seem like she was going to give in anytime soon, glaring unfaltering daggers at her father. He was the first to crack, grinding his jaw in frustration.

"Who told you?" he asked angrily. "Was it your mother? Because I swear if she told you-"

"No, mom didn't tell me," Lauren bit back, infuriated by the amount of disgust in his voice as he talked about her mom. He had a lot of nerve speaking about someone else that way, especially considering he was the disgusting one in this situation.

Michael crossed his arms slowly at the brunette's tone. "Then who told you? Camila?" he sneered back.

"Yes," Lauren responded truthfully, spite in her voice. Her father looked annoyed at this.

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