Chapter 11

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Lauren had hardly moved an inch all day.

Memories of Camila seemed to be constantly haunting her mind, everything prompting thoughts of the ghost in some way, and she was now curled up in her bed motionlessly, a blank crestfallen look adorning her face. She had tried listening to music earlier, but fate seemed to be against her as the first song that played in her shuffle was Lego House, warm chocolate brown eyes lighting up in her head, and she nearly threw her phone out the window in angst. Who knew Camila's memory would haunt her more than Camila's ghost? Camila's infectious laugh, Camila's comforting smile, Camila's dark brown hair, Camila's perfect Disney eyes. It was like Lauren's mind was stuck on the Camila channel, and she had no idea how to change it. Whining in frustration, Lauren twisted in her bed, pressing her face into her pillow as a few tears slipped out.

The brunette wasn't fully sure how long she was lying like that, but eventually she heard her bedroom door open, her mom's voice tentatively cutting through the silence.

"Lauren, do you want any supper? You haven't eaten anything all day," Clara spoke softly, watching as Lauren shook her head against the pillow. The woman sighed, moving further into the room and taking a seat on the side of Lauren's bed. Clara was quite worried about her daughter's behavior in the past twenty four hours. Last evening Lauren had come home in a mess of tears, promptly going up into her room and not coming out since. The woman had come up a few times to check on Lauren, desperately trying to figure out what was bothering the green eyed brunette, but Lauren had refused to talk about it each time, leaving Clara at quite avloss as to what to do. To her, Lauren seemed completely heartbroken, and that was the hunch she was going on, but as far as she knew Lauren hadn't been dating anyone.

"Lauren, sweetie, will you please tell me what's going on? I have no idea what's going on, and you're starting to scare me," Clara pleaded softly, running her hand through her daughter's chocolate locks. When she received no response, the woman sighed, desperately trying to rack her brain for any clues as to what was eating at Lauren.

"Michael's dead," the brunette spoke suddenly, surprising Clara.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he's dead. He tried to kill me and got shot in the process," Lauren stated simply, her sentence muffled by the pillow. The older woman, stunned by the sudden statement, took a moment to process this information. Disgust was the most prominent feeling to hit her the instant she registered what Lauren had said; he had tried to kill his own daughter, unfazed and uncaring. A small part of her was glad he was gone, no longer present to mess up their lives anymore. However, she didn't voice this, instead deciding to remain neutral and see how Lauren felt about the situation.

"Is that what's upsetting you?" Clara asked in an understanding tone, assuming the teenager was bothered that Michael had tried to murder her.

To her surprise, Lauren shook her head. "No?" "Him being gone doesn't bother me. He was a jerk in so many different ways. Hell, he tried to kill me. I'm kind of glad he's gone," Lauren mumbled icily, having no ounce of sympathy for the heartless man who had ruined her life time and time again.

"Are you upset he tried to kill you?"

"It really didn't surprise me," Lauren said lowly.

Clara nodded in sympathy. "Fair enough. What's bothering you then?"

"Nothing," Lauren mumbled in response.

Clara remained silent for a moment, pressing her lips together in thought. "Does it have something to do with Camila?" the woman asked tentatively. She seemed to get her answer when Lauren's head shot up to look at her, curious and teary emerald green eyes meeting her mother's.

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