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Kevin's POV

The past few weeks of dating Fangs has been total bliss. I feel like I'm constantly floating on a cloud.

My dad noticed how happy I was too, so I finally told him about Fangs and me.

I'm sitting at the dinner table, humming while doing my homework.

"Kev, can I talk to you?" My dad asks. He's making his famous tuna casserole.

"Sure, Dad."

"What's going on with you lately?"

I laugh nervously. Am I in trouble? "What do you mean?"

"You've been so... happy lately. And not that that's unusual, but you've had a skip in your step the last couple of weeks."

"There's... this guy."

Dad smiles. "Is he... you know...?"

"He's bi. And we've been dating for a couple weeks now. He was actually the 'friend' I stayed over with after the whole carnival incident."

Dad raises an eyebrow. "Did you..."

"DAD!" I huff. "Anyway... he's pretty great." I say in an attempt to change the conversation.

"When can I meet him?"

"Whenever." I say, smiling happily.

"That's great, Kev. Alright, well today at work I was-"
"Actually, Dad, there's one more thing." I say, interrupting him. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "He's a Serpent."

Dad just looks at me. "Um... okay?"

"You're okay with that?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"OH MY GOSH DAD, YOU'RE THE BEST!" I jump up and kiss him on the cheek. He laughs.

"I know. Now let's eat."

Fangs' POV ~ the next day

"See you, babe!" I kiss Kevin one last time. "I miss you already!"

"I miss you too!" He blows me a kiss.

I laugh as I walk out the break room and head to my locker. I need to get my textbook for Global Studies. My locker is in a little hallway off the main hallway. As usual, the hallway is empty, and I grab my books. I turn around when suddenly two hands are pushing my shoulders, pinning me up against my locker. My books fall.

"Hey, Southside scum. We need to have a little chat." Moose Mason hisses.

I know Moose and Kevin have a little bit of history, but I don't mind. I know Kevin loves me, and when someone like Kevin loves you, nothing else really matters.

"Moose... what do you want?" I splutter, struggling.

"Kevin." Moose sneers. "He was nearly mine before you got here and put your dirty paws all over him. I hope you know you're not good enough for him."

"No one is good enough for Kevin." I whisper. "Especially you."

Moose's eyes turn dark. I see his fist coming, but it's too late. He punches me straight across the face, and my world explodes with pain.

"That's what you get for being a Serpent."

He punches me again, and I try not to howl.

"That's what you get for not being good enough for him."

He strikes me a third time, my frail body rattling against the lockers.

"And that's what you get for taking him away from me."

"Moose... please... just stop... Kevin wouldn't want this..." I whimper.

"How do you know what Kevin would want?" He screams. "I've known him longer than you!"

"You know he cares about me... don't you just want him to be happy?"

And for a moment, I think I've reached the good in Moose. His grip on me lessens, and he seems lost in thought. But then his eyes refocus and he pushes me against the lockers even harder.

"I want him to be happy... with me. So I'm going to give you two options. You can break up with Kevin so he and I can get together."

I'd rather not do that. "Or...?"

"Or... you can face the consequences."

"I'm not afraid of you." I say defiantly.

"I know, and that's the problem. But I do know your weakness... Kevin. If you don't break up with him, I will hurt him."

"Moose, that doesn't make any sense!" I yell frantically. "You want to be with him!"

"Yes, but I'm good at putting blame on other people. Maybe I'll make it look like you hurt him, and then I'll be the loving shoulder for him to cry on."

"This'll never work. You're insane." I mutter.

"Do you want to see if it does? I could hurt Kevin, and we could watch my plan unfold perfectly. Or, you can just break up with him simple and easy. No one has to get hurt." He snarls.

I love Kevin more than anything in the world, and I want him to be mine forever. But I need to protect him. His safety will always come before my own feelings. If Moose hurt him and it was my fault, I would never forgive myself. "Fine..." I sigh, tears welling up. "I'll break up with him. But please, Moose... don't hurt him."

"That's what I like to hear."

He lets go of me, but my legs crumple. I fall to the floor and feel the wind get knocked out of me.

"You have until tomorrow to break up with him." Moose grunts. I look at him through half-open eyelids. He stares at me for a moment then walks away, leaving me lying on the ground.

I curl myself up into a ball and let the tears flow. As I shake and cry, a question comes to mind.

What is the point in living if I can't have Kevin?

A note: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long. I kept meaning to, but then I kept forgetting and putting it off. I've also been really stressed out with a lot of things going on. I've already written some of the next chapter, so I'll try to publish it soon, so you guys won't have to wait a month. Oops. Sorry again.


kevin x fangs // a riverdale fanficWhere stories live. Discover now