Chapter 15 - Allie to Enemie

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*Here it is guys !!! I hope you get exited and have fun reading this, its gonna be fucking Cool !! Ok guys have fun reading !!!

It was already morning and i woke up early, i standed and checked on the time and it was 3:00Am. All of my friends were already awake because they arent in bed... So i checked outside and i saw Jill, Cloe, Edel and Jomari chatting in the living room. So i couldnt resist of joining them so i joined them and asked ''So whats up guys?''. Jomari taked a straight look at me and said ''Someone fucking stole our Food and Water, but they didnt took our gadgets...'' I got shocked and i left them talking to me. Cloe said ''How about lets all go to town and loot more food and water. Jill forgot to Lock the doors at night so i thinked they sneaked in and grabbed our supplies... Atleast our guns are still here''. So i finally talked and said ''Ok its done, were gonna search later at 5:00Am, since it still early, we should ready up and we have 2 hours to get ready... So get ready now.''. I Left the living room and we all got ready. We were all ready and we all got out of the house and took a sit in the Car.... We were finally heading to Town and getting ready for some fight if someone does attack us....


We were finally at town. We were searching for some stores that might have any Food and water cause thats just what we need.... So after searching some places we finally saw some big store. It was hidden and it wasnt open, i think nobody ever looted this place cause look at it.... Its door are closed, there are many foods and waters inside that were not taken yet.... So we were finding a passage way inside to sneak in until Jomari just smashed the window and we headed inside. So we were inside and i we were already looting many foods. The aircon was still open and it was cold inside. Then Jill started talking and said ''I think someone is living here...'' We heard her but we didnt respond and she just continued in looting and so were we... Suddenly we heard cars heading this way. I quickly called them and tell them to hide..... So after a few seconds we heard people laughing while outside and we were all hidden. We heard them talking, the first boy/man says ''I think someone broke into our base!''. Then suddenly i heard some voice that i recognize, but i was still listening to them and the boy said ''Yeah i think someone did, lets go check out..''. So they headed inside and they were all so many, like they were 11 peoples coming inside or just more. Suddenly one says ''hey boss, we should check this first before you enter''. And the boss replied ''Ok, check every corner of it''. So i was getting a bit scared and nervous because they were searching every corner of the big store..... Until i heard Cloe was yelling ''Let go of me you dumbass!''. Then the man replies ''Thats no way to treat a man'' then quickly the man slaps Cloe's face. I saw him slap her but i didnt do anything because it was to dangerous.... Then i saw Jomari standed up and said ''Y...You fuck, let go of her or i will s..shoot you!''. Then jomari raised his gun and pointed to the man. All of the man came in the store and the boss was just in the door waiting for us to be killed... All of the man had guns and i saw someone that looks familiar to me... Like he was with us for a long time in this shit apocalypse... I took a closer look and i saw... Huh?! I saw 'DAVE'??? With them?! I tought Dave died because of the waves of corpses? did he survive? or he was kidnapped? or he just joined them?! And why didnt he joined us after he survived?!... My Mind was full of Questions to ask Dave. I saw dave got shocked because he saw Jomari but he didnt knew Cloe. I heard Dave talking to the boss and said ''Cant we just let them go?''. The boss said ''No, we cant... Were gonna kill them Ahahahahaha !!!''. Dave became sad but he was keeping himself from crying. Jomari was calling dave but dave didnt listen to jomari... Then suddenly Jill standed and said ''Let her go!''. Oh no! Why did she standed!!!... Then the man says ''Let me just get a taste of her and you and you all good to go ladies''. I felt angry because the man says that... Then they all laughed at us. But they didnt knew i was here so they just laughed at Jomari, Cloe and Jill... Suddenly the Man was trying to hold Cloe's Breast until Cloe slapped the man hard and the man lost grip on cloe and cloe ran back to jomari.... The boss says ''What a happy family''. Jomari says ''Shut up and let us go you stupidos''. The boss got angry and ordered all of his men to hold the Jill and Cloe and kill Jomari.... Jomari started shooting and even Jill and Cloe, Jomari, Cloe and Jill killed few of them but they were so many... Then finally they all dropped there weapons and the people holded them in there back tightly.... Jomari was holded in the Desk while his head was looking at Cloe and Jill. The man was holding Jill and Cloe in the back until the boss suddenly comes closer and closer to them... When the boss finally was close to them both Edel standed up and said ''Freeze !! Or ill shoot !!''. The man beside him punched him in the face and he when unconscious... That was a bit akward... So the boss when back to the jill and cloe. He was pulling up the t-shirt of Jill and he was touching the breast of Jill, then he switched to Cloe. He did the same... I was feeling weak because i was just the only one, i had guns and bombs but i might kill them too... Im to weak and i was pissed off because of the boss... The boss was removing the belt of jill and i knew what will happen next.. I didnt want to look like a pervert or something... I was getting really pissed off because of the Boss... I cant control my feelings anymore i really cant... I wanna FUCKING KILL THEM !! Ahhhhh i equiped my Rifle, i standed and i said ''Let them go or suffer the death of hell''. They all laughed and once they laughed together i shot the boss in the Face leaving his head gone and splattered in the floor. Suddenly the Men was getting there pistols and shotguns until i shooted them in there face and guts. It was all bloody but i just yell saying ''AHHHH !! Die son of a Bitches !!! Die Die die'' with a evil laugh !! I looked like a real killer but i was just trying to protect them because even if they had let us go, they would still kill us while in our backs... So i was shooting all of them until my rifle lost ammo and i had to change but i didnt have anytime to change magazines so i dropped my rifle and equiped my Pistol and shooted them all exept my friends. I shooted and shooted, it was really bloody here in this store !!! I was laughing and yelling ''If you guys didnt do this, this would not happend you pathetic bitches !!!''. Until the 3 men and Dave was only left and they surrender to me, they dropped there pistol and kicked it away of them. I picked up my weapon and Jill, Cloe, Jomari was looking scared of me and what happend. It was in there face, they look terrified of me... Until Dave started talking ''Please benedict, let me live. They just wanted me because i was smart''. I talked and said ''Smart? Fuck you bitch, i had trust in you but you just wasted it you Asshole !!''. He laughed and laughed and the 3 men was only silent... Then Dave ran to the Pistol and tried to shoot me but i shot his feet first. He was screaming in pain. Jill said ''Stop benedict stop !! his a friend''. I replied ''Is there a friend who will not do something if there friends were in danger? you guys are lucky that im here. I didnt want to kill all of them but they pissed me off to far''. Then i heard gunshot and Dave shooted me.... But he fucking missed !!! So i finally shot him with no regret !! It wasnt my fault, he was trying to kill me. Jomari said ''Why did you s..shoot him?'' I replied ''Its not my fault! he tried to shoot me didnt you see?!'' And Jomari whent quiet. Then Edel finally woked up and asked ''What happ..What the fuck happend !!!''. Jomari says ''Just dont ask edel, please dont ask''.... We all whent quiet and i whent out removing my Shirt because i was full of blood... Then all of them whent out and the 3 men told me ''Thanks for not killing us, thank you thank you thank you..'' Then i replied ''Ok ok ok !! just dont do things like that again. I know your more older than me but you should have mind to. Now scram before i shoot you !'' I was just saying that so they would really run and never come back to mess with me again... Then Jomari says ''Benedict, im sorry that i yelled at you btw. And thank you for saving our asses there''. He smiled and i smiled back and he headed to the car sitting in silence... Then Jill and Cloe headed to me and says ''Tha..Thank you for saving our lives back there.'' I replied ''Your welcome, I just cant really see you being touched by other person you know.. Sorry if i were a jerk back there''. They smiled and Cloe talked ''Wow Benedict, so its ok for you to use me? Hahaha'' She laughed and laughed and said again ''Thanks again and that was a joke ok. Hahaha'' and she headed to the car with Jomari. Then Jill smiled and said ''Really? you would protect me if i was getting touched by other person? Wow that was really nice... Thanks again'' She kisses me in the lips and hugs me. She headed to the Car too and in the drivers sit. Then Edel came out with Loads of Supplies. Then he dropped the bag and puked in the bushes.. It was really bloody inside, i wanna puke too but i kept it inside me. Then he said ''Thats all i can get. Sorry if its few'' It was 1 bag and full is that few? i replied ''Yeah its ok''. Then he headed to the car and i putted the supplies in the trunk. I finally sitted and jill started driving... I was thinking that we were glad that the store was secret and far from Corpses.... It was like the Store was 800 Meters far from the Town.. Im so glad...


Were finally at home and it was 3:00Pm. Wow we did use so many times in there... We didnt talk nor eat, we just headed to bed and we all slept.. But before sleeping. You know, we should clean up first.... We were sleeping now and im having a rest 'FINALLY'!!

*Let me guess? I sound like a killer back there dont i? well i admit it. I really sound like a massacre... So guys it was exiting right? and finding out that Dave was alive but Evil hahahahah !!! So ill leave you guys and do what ever you were doing now... STAY CREEPY MY PASTAS :D

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