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      Lily and I have been inseparable since even before birth. Being twins we've done pretty much everything together. Every time one of us got in trouble on their own, the other would always do something bad so neither was in trouble alone. It was silly when I think back on it.

     I wonder why our first thought was for both of us to get whipped or grounded rather than to escape the trouble. Escaping trouble, more than anything that's what I want to do now. To help Lily escape her troubles, to rid the pain. Or at least share them.

      We were always told a tale of soulmates when we were younger. Mom always said, "Twins are just soulmates from a previous life that have died together. They were brought together as one and reborn as two new souls forever united in feelings, emotions, and love." Lily and I believed that whole heartedly. She was always the strong one out of the two of us. She got hurt and I cried. I got hurt, I cried and she would hold me. I always thought that it would one day be the other way around.

     When Lily received the news of her cancer, I felt like my soulmate would disappear forever. On that day, I felt everything yet nothing at all. Lily looked even worse than I felt. The lost broken look in her eyes hurt so bad to see. I wonder if she even noticed it herself. Her usual walls and brave face crumbled at our feet the second the doctor opened his mouth and read the word cancer off of the papers. 

      So many emotions came flooding and would not subside. Fear of loosing her took over. It became harder and harder to breathe. The walls of the office were boxing us in. It was fitting with the death sentence just give. Darkness took over. We were both trying desperately to hold one another up.

     The doctor's voice echoed in my head surrounded by a deep fog. I couldn't get my thoughts in a line. The fear of losing Lily was immense. I clutched tightly to Lily, the look in her eyes begging me to make it all go away. What could I do? I had never felt more useless in my entire life.

       " I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Lily. I've got you. I've got you Lily." I repeated those words over and over again. They had become embedded into the air.

     The words repeated so many times as if I was trying to ensure everyone in the room they were true. Did I have her? Could I do the one thing I've been indebted to do? Regardless if I thought I could handle it or not, I wasn't planning to let her down. There would be no way in hell I was going to let her go through this alone. She's my soulmate.



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