If You Knew...

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Tails' P.O.V.

I opened my eyes. Another day. I got up and fell out of bed. "Ouch." I stood and walked to the window. I opened the window up and looked out side. It was a beautiful day. I breathed in the fresh air and sighed. I looked at the children playing, without a care in the world. I shut my window and made breakfast for Sonic and I. Sonic walked in right after I sat his finished plate of food on the table. "Morning Sonic!" I said cheerfully. Witch is not how I felt. Sonic sat down and began eating his omlet. Morning Tails! The food is great as always." I sat across from him and used my fork to play with my food. Sonic set his fork down. "You ok little buddy?" I sighed as I took a few bites of my food. "Yeah. Thanks for being concerned. ..But i'm...fine." Sonic's eyes filled with concern. "You sure?" I nodded as I picked up our plates. I threw the rest of my food out and sat his empty plate in the sink. "I'm fine Sonic. Now go run around outside. Like I know you've been waiting to do the second you woke up today!" I smiled at Sonic. He smiled back. I melted. He was soooo handsome when he smiled. I mentally smacked myself in the face. Shut up Tails!!! He isn't like that! Sonic stood up and ruffled the fur on top of my head. "Alright Tails! See ya later!" I smiled at him as he ran out the door. "Oh Sonic..." I looked down at the floor with a frown. "You'd hat me if you knew the truth..." I walked downstairs to the lap. Witch was really a basement, but I had transformed it into a lab. I walked over to the TornadoX. I was making a few more repairs. Just a few tweeks to the engine. I was so caught up in my work I didn't even notice someone walked into the lab until- "Tails!!!" I screamed and hit the floor with a thus. I sat up. "Owww.."

"Hey Tails. Is the floor comfortable or something?"


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