It's Wrong!! ....Right?

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                      Tails' P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes. I sat up. I looked around. I was in Sonic's room... "Hey sleepy head!" I turned my head to see Sonic walk in the room with a tray of food. "Sonic?" Sonic sat the tray on my lap. He rested a finger on my lips. "Eat first. Come to the living room afterwards... Then we can talk." I nodded. A blush on my face from him touching my lips. He left me in the room to eat.

I stood in front of Sonic. He smiled at me. "Sonic... What happened??" Sonic hugged me. I blushed a bright pink. I wrapped my arms around him. "Don't worry Tails.. Knuckles is gone. He won't be returning. Even he isn't that stupid..Tails I.. Are you really... gay?" The way he said gay... He hates me. He's grossed out by me now... I pushed him away and ran down in the lab. I slammed the door and sat on the floor. I curled up, holding my knees to my chest. "Tails!!" I agnored the bangs on the door and shouts. Why? Why did Knuckles have to ruin this?

Sonic busted the door down. He ran over to me. "Tails. What's up with you?" I stood up. I was sad, but also angry. Angry that I can't be accepted by anyone.... Not even the guy that's soposed to be my best friend. The guy that i've been in love with for almost my whole life! "Why don't you understand!? Why can't anyone accept me?!" Sonic reached his hand out. "It's ok Tails. It's ok that yo-" I shook my head. Tears threatened to fall. "No! You don't get it!" I cut his sentance off. "I'm gay Sonic! I've been hiding this whole time! Afraid of what you would think of me!! And when someone did know about it they bullied me and beat me up! And everyone was to blind to see what was right in front of them! ...especially you!!!" I sniffed. Sonic came closer and hesitated. "Why are you so angry with me? I'm sorry I didn't know about Knuckles being an asshole. I'm sorry I didn't know about you having to hide... But don't worry.. We'll figure this out..." I couldn't believe this. He just didn't understand.. And it's about time for him to! "You still don't get it! I... I love you!!!!" Sonic's eyes widened. "I always have Sonic..." I lowered my head and shut my eyes tight. Holding back threatening tears. "Ever since a little while before we met Knuckles and Amy. I started... falling for you. I wanted to tell you...But when I had built up the nerve... Knuckles started... He put these lies into my head.. And now.....I believe every single thing he told me... I am a faggot! I do deserve to die! You do hate me for who I am! And it is wrong!!! ...." I looked up at him. ".....Right..?"

Tears ran down Sonic's cheeks. He pulled me into a hug. I began crying into his chest. He held me tightly. "Don't ever talk like that again Tails." I pulled away. I stopped crying for the moment. "W-what??" Sonic smiled and ruffled my hair. "Of course it's not wrong! And don't let nobody tell you different! You be you. That's what's great about you.. everything! No matter what anyone says. If anyone ever makes you doubtful let me know. I'll handle them. But don't let things go to your head.." sonic held my blushing face gentle. "Your perfect just the way you are.."

"By the way Tails....I love you too."

I smiled. I... I finally did it. I smiled widely. I glomped Sonic and he landed on the floor.


"Whao! T-tails!"

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