Twist of fate

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It's gotta be a strange twist of fate...
(Authors note:
Just a quick authors note to say; Hi, welcome to my story. I do not own any characters mentioned within this story, besides Antonia.

"You're an ass, you know?"

"Hey! Watch your mouth kid" was the snappy reply from the young sergeant, as he and the girl verbally battled it out in the interrogation room. "Start showing an officer some respect or I could get you locked up for the rest of your life. Trust me kid, prison won't look good on you"

"do you know that from experience, or...?"

Sergeant Roger Murtaugh sighed helplessly, and turned his attention to the other two people in the room-tuning back into to the argument only when he heard his name being called.

His partner, Riggs, was staring at him from the seat to his left. His face was impassive, yet his eyes were lit with irritation and barely contained rage. Across the table, another pair of vexed eyes watched him. The young perpetrator in question- her idle gaze flickering back and forth between the two men. "Good cop" and "Bad cop".

Three guesses as to who is which.

Or perhaps, now that she thought it over in her head, as the two partners across the table shared a non-verbal conversation that she clearly wasn't apart of; they would be better known as "good cop" and "the arrogant ass who got her into this mess in the first place"

Yeah, that seemed about right.

Finally the two cops, Sergeant Murtaugh and Riggs- as they had previously told her to address them as- turned back to her, the first wearing a stressed smile, and the second: not smiling at all.


Riggs glared at the kid, who smiled back cheerily- mocking him in response, fuelling his irritation and smarting headache all the more.

"Right" Murtaugh addressed the room, trying to keep the atmosphere calm, and reduce the chances of another argument between the two very easily triggered characters. "Let's start this again. Uh, so, Antonia..."

"Toni" The girl cut in, rebuking him for using her birthname to address her- which she herself had told them NOT to do when names and 'pleasantries' were first exchanged.

Though her eyes hardened at the sound of her forename, they did not turn to face Roger; she kept them glued to Riggs. He in return was levelling her in a very similar way.

"Toni, right." Roger corrected with a clear of his throat, before continuing. "You know why you're here, don't you?"

"Actually, I don't." she replied offhandedly, raising her brows across the table to Riggs, lips turning up ever so slightly- devilishly, in martins eyes- as she did so.

"Damn well you do, kid." Was Martins reply, slamming a hand down on the table, satisfied at the small, hardly noticeable- if you weren't Martin Riggs, that is- flinch the girl gave at the action. She continued to keep a level eye with him however- he had to give her credit for that. Not many people could stare Martin Riggs dead in the eye without wavering.

"Do I?" she remarked casually, leaning back in her chair with an I-couldn't-be-half-arsed expression. "By all means 'officer'; do tell"

"You hijacked my truck!" the man roared, slamming the other hand down on the table this time, before facing his partner. "She hijacked my truck, Rog!" he exclaimed in near hysterics, throwing an accusing finger in the girl's general direction. "Drove it, underage. Completely wrecked the paintjob. And not to mention, let the guys I was trying to catch get away."

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