Chapter 1

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I sip my tea waiting for my company to join me. I look down at my watch checking the time for the fourth time. I let out a sigh and stand up gathering my stuff to leave.

"Y/n?" I turn around and meet with a woman in about her late 20's. She had long blond hair that flowed down her back. The makeup on her face made her look gorgeous, everything about her makes her look perfect.

"Yes," I say mentally hating myself for not dressing up more. I push my glasses up meeting her eyes.

"Oh good I'm so glad I found you I hope you weren't waiting long," she says. She puts her hand out "I'm Hannah."

I take her hand "Y/n but I'm sure you know that" I chuckle. She lets out a giggle then sits down.

"Oh let us sit so we can talk," she says pointing to the chairs. I nod my head and join her.

"I'm glad you were willing to meet up with me I was kinda worried this was a scam" I nervously laugh.

"I've heard that before and I don't judge you for it. It's not every day you get an interview to work for a rapper" she smiles then pulls out a notebook and pen.

"So it is a singer, not a job where I wrap stuff right," I say fidgeting with my hand.

She lets out a laugh "Oh man that's the first time I heard that" I bit the inside of my cheek feeling embarrassed. She smiles "Oh you're serious," she notices my quietness "Yes he's an artist."

I nod my head "Ok good" she smiles even bigger. She writes something down then looks up at me.

"So what is one reason you want to work with us?" she asks.

"Well I've always been into music ever since I was in high school and I've heard good things about you guys. I took a leap of faith when I emailed you." She nods her head and writes something again.

"I was surprised when I got the email from you, to be honest, but we do need an extra hand." She says biting the end of her pen.

"I was surprised when you emailed me back," I say.

She chuckles "One more question, have you listen to any of his work?" she asks

"He? who exactly are we talking about?" I ask.

"Machine Gun Kelly of course" she laughs. I cock an eyebrow

"N-no I haven't maybe one or two," I say I feel my face heat up.

Hannah lets out a laugh "Don't worry it's not like you need too" she says then writes something down again. She looks up at me "I think you'll do fine with the job so it's yours."

I wait for her to say she was joking but it never came "Oh well that was easy" I chuckle.

She nods her head "It's just we really need help. When can you start?" she asks.

"As soon a possible," I say. She stands up.

"Good, let's go," she says I stand up with her.

"N-now?" I ask and she nods her head and starts walking. I follow her out to a nice car.

"You want to follow me in your car," she says opening her door.

I let out an awkward laugh "I don't have a car but if you give me the address I'll catch the next bus" I say.

She shakes her head "No you can just ride with me" she smiles. I nod and get in the passenger side. She starts the car "Ok you ready?" she asks and I nod again then we drove off.

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