Reconstruction, traitor and birthday

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Edited as of December 28, 2016

Akatsuki's Blood Blossom

Chapter 1


Sakura: Age 3

Akatsuki Base

"Sasori-nii!" Yelled the voice of one little Akatsuki no Sakura as she ran around the corridors of the base to find the man she considered to be her older brother.

A few months after Sakura was born, Sasori was asked to take care of her for a few days while her parents went out to gain more allies from other countries and through the 'underground society' to help repair the village.

It may have been three years since the attack on the village, but not everything was fixed, two of the main bridges still needed to be repaired, the Amekage's mansion still had to be remade, even though they spent most of their time in the base (which was the only thing repaired so far) and the second floor of both the hospital and the school still had to be redone.

"Careful Saku-chan, you might trip." Replied a man with red hair and lazy light brown eyes, which showed a smidge of care and concern in them as he regarded Sakura and her pouty lips.

"I know Nii-san! I was just trying to find you." She said in a 'duh' voice, acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world and that it justified her reason for running around.

Although, for her, he suppose it did.

He chuckled and ruffled her hair. He looked up to see Pein and Konan; he bowed and greeted them as they nodded back. Smiling at the interaction between their daughter and the red headed puppet master.

"The bridge builder is here, we need you to watch Sakura for a few hours while we show him the bridges that need to be repaired." Sasori nodded and took Sakura's hand and she waved 'goodbye' to her parents with her other hand.

Sasori walked to his room to show her his puppets that she seemed to have grown an interest in.

Sakura fiddled with a few joints of the puppets limbs, watching as an arm rotated more than 360 degrees and then some.

"Saso-nii? Are arms supposed to do that?"

"Only if you do it to someone on purpose, if not, then no, they are not supposed to do that."

Both were silent for a few moments while Sakura tilted her head to the left.

"Does it hurt?"

"Very much so yes."

Again more silence.

"How bad?"

"It makes grown men cry."

Sakura frowned a bit before looking at him in the eye.

"Daddy wouldn't have cried."

Sasori mentally nodded, his leader was stronger than most, he probably wouldn't have even made a face if it came down to it.

After about another twenty minutes of puppetry, a loud crashing noise was heard from the kitchen down stairs causing a sigh of annoyance to erupt from Sasori's mouth.

"Hold on Cherry, I have to go see what the idiots did in the kitchen." She nodded as Sasori walked away, a few minutes later a string of curses were heard along with Kakuzu's booming voice, yelling about how he 'Wasn't going to pay for that' and Sasori saying that he was 'Surrounded by idiots'.

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