Sanguine x Reader

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This song kind of reminds me of the butterfly in this... and it's really heccin good

I was sitting on the warm grass, letting my bare legs soak in the cool stream water. I leaned back, propping myself up with my arms. My long/short hair blew in the wind as a soft breeze hit. The quiet butterflies flew happily to some flowers, resting. I saw some birds in nests, feeding their young. I closed my eyes, tilting my head back, breathing in the flowery smelling air. This was perfect. I swooshed my feet around, hearing the calming water splashing, and dug my toes into the sand under the water.

"You seem to be happy." Sanguine came and sat next to me, dipping his feet in the water, and leaning back. He laid on his bare back, spreading his arms out. A butterfly landed on his nose.

"It's good luck if that happens." I chuckled. Sanguine smiled. 

"I guess I'm lucky now..." He said while the butterfly walked onto his finger, and he stared at it.

"Wait, Sam, that's not just any butterfly." I called out to the Daedric Lord. He turned to face me, his red eyes looking at my e/c orbs. 

"It's not?" The butterfly flapped its wings. We could now see the pretty design of a star on the wings. Sparkles and stars started falling from the wings. Sanguine's eyes widened.

"What kind of butterfly is this?" The butterfly started disintegrating into stardust, soon it was a pile of dust. Sanguine looked upset. "It died..." He whined. I chuckled.

"It's not dead. Look, it's becoming another butterfly. A newer, stronger one. To protect it." I pointed out to the dust.

"You mean,...they aren't born caterpillars, but born weak butterflies?" He tried to understand. I grinned and laid back.

"Yep! Around this time, millions of butterflies come here, or near streams, or bodies of water, and disintegrate, just to be born a new butterfly. They're called stardust butterflies." I explained. Sanguine seemed so fixed on the dust on his hand, then jumped when the dust glowed brightly, and then a new, and bigger, butterfly was there, drying its wings, preparing for flight back home.

"Wow..." He turned into his human form, gently stroking the body of the butterfly. The butterfly was bigger than you expected. It was probably the size of pop can. I touched Sam's hand, attempting for the butterfly to walk towards me, but it stayed put.

"I guess it likes me. Ah!" Sam was saying, but the butterfly bit his finger.

"I THOUGHT BUTTERFLIES WERE HARMLESS!" He yelled. I nervously chuckled.

"I didn't mention that they could bite when they feel threatened?" Sam glared at me. The butterfly looked at me. I quickly touched my hand with Sam's, his face turning a bit pink. The butterfly went to me, and I cheered.

"Yay! I have good luck now!" Sam groaned.

"You clearly lied to me. I apparently have good luck, but got bit by a butterfly." I laughed loudly.

"Sam, ...hahaha... you didn't know if one of these babies bites you, you have good luck for the rest of your life?" I said in fits of laughter and giggles. Sam stopped glaring, his eyes widened. He grinned.

"" He asked.

"Of course!" I grinned. Sam smirked. He slapped my arm hard. I winced.

"Why'd you do that? I thought we were good!" I yelled. 

"Stealing your good luck." He smirked. I frowned.

"That's not how it works."

"You made this all up, didn't you?" I slapped him back.

"Well, I guess, but I stole back my good luck!" I smirked. He got closer to me, attempting to playfully slap better, and then I pushed him in the water. The butterfly flew off, and Sam pulled me in the water.

"My luck!" I yelled. Sam poked me. "Mine!" He yelled. I pinned him to the stream wall, (The stream was deep) and kept poking him. He laughed.

"You think you're stronger than a Daedric Lord?" I frowned.

"Oh shoot.." He pinned me, and booped me.

"Did you just-" I stopped when he was getting out of the water.

"Hey, come back!" I called after him. He turned, then jumped back in, splashing me.

"HEYYY" I yelled. I splashed him back and laughed. He smiled. He pulled me close, so close, my head was nearly on his chest. I leaned on his chest either way, and blushed. I looked up at him, and he bent down and kissed me. I kissed back.

"So, you like me?" He smirked.

"Told you those things were good luck." I teased. He kissed me again, except longer. When we pulled away, we hugged. We got out of the water, sat like before, and leaned on each other.

"Love you too." He said.

770 words

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