All night

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"Milan, you look so beautiful!" She cupped her hands around my face placing a kiss on my left cheek

"It's so good seeing you" I said with a genuine smile, we both sat outside of a coffee shop surprisingly not dragging attention to each other

"So how's Cameron been?" She said taking a sip of her coffee

"That's actually what I came to talk to you about" I took a deep breath in then letting it out

"Has my son been troubling you?" Cameron's mom said ready for anger to release

"No! It's just that I have a question" I said with curiosity in my eyes, she nodded letting me know it was okay to ask

"You don't have to respond if it makes you uncomfortable but, why did you marry Cameron's dad? I mean knowing he was dangerous and all.... how did you find yourself doing it?" She put her coffee down onto the table and briefed herself

"When you love somebody so much you'll except everything that comes with them, especially the good and bad..." she said trailing off

"I was you at one point, young and in love but scared what would happen if I took the whole package. But I was happy I did.... I ended up with my beautiful kids even if the things they do are fucked up and I love them to death." She ended her sentence when she started to receive a call then picked it up

"I'm so sorry Milan I have to go! It was so nice seeing you" she said stepping up and leaving

It was fine I had to go anyways....

It was 6:00pm and I decided to stay in New York for another week, id like to think that it wasn't because of Cameron but it slightly was. On the bright side I finished my album early and it was a process but when I'm in the right mindset I could finish anything early

Dress rehearsal for tour would start soon, the plan was for me to finish all of tours choreography within this month then release my album in 2 months of time

I started walking to the dance studio knowing it was close and I let my mind do the talking for me.

Would I meet him in time square?

His mother had a point, I do love him so much and I'm ready to accept the good with the bad but what's stopping me? There's something telling me not to go and I wanted to get to the bottom of it!

Things like this would live to bite me alive, I knew I would never let my personal life get in between my career but I had to for his

"Can all of you leave please" I said looking at all the dancers ready for what they thought would be a day of practice

"You have a surprise day off" they all got up happy and excited with no problem what so ever, finally a space to think of my own!

The only thing I could think of was the cheating...

I remember praying to catch him whispering and making secret calls so I could confront him, but even when that happened I didn't...

Things like the smile on his face hurt me and I hated that time! I knew for certain it was a call for concern but I ignored it, I hated how ignored it


It's been two weeks. Two hard weeks

Cameron has changed, he went from sweet and loving to rude and obnoxious. He wasn't the same man I fell in love with. It's eating me up inside, I know what he did and I still know what he's been doing and yet I haven't done anything about it....

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