Teen Angst is, Apparently, Not a Muggle-Only Phenomenon

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As soon as the words registered in Nico's head, something odd happened: a battered door, embossed with a shining silver '12', appeared from nowhere. Moments later, walls appeared around it, seemingly pushing aside the flanking buildings. But the mortals-- muggles, Nico corrected himself, have to get used to wizard terminology-- apparently felt nothing. Within seconds, an entire building had appeared out of nowhere.

"Magic," Will said breathlessly, "fucking rules."

Nico snorted at that.

"Quite," Dumbledore said, before rushing them towards the door, "though I'm afraid further observations will have to wait. Come inside-- quietly."

They hurried up the stone steps, and Nico barely had time to notice the odd shape of the door knocker (was that a snake? Really?) or the lack of a doorknob before Dumbledore had pulled out his wand and tapped it on the door. After the sound of locks unlocking had faded, the door swung open, and Dumbledore lead them inside, past a dangling ear (that was... odd), pulling the two of them through a gaslit corridor, up to a closed door. Dumbledore waved his wand, paused to open the door, then practically pushed the two of them in, before closing the door behind him and again waving his wand.

"Dumbledore!" Exclaimed a stout, red-haired woman. "What--"

"I'm afraid there's no time, Molly. Dementors have attacked Harry. Arthur, Sirius, send word to him, tell him not to leave the house. I'm going to the Ministry to make sure they don't act rashly. Nico," Dumbledore twirled on his heel, looking Nico dead in the eyes. "You and Will go to Number Four, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. If you see cloaked figures that bring about cold, think of your happiest memory and say 'Expecto Patronum'. Make sure Harry doesn't leave the house. As soon as you can be certain, return here. Molly or Sirius will show you to your room. Now if you'll all excuse me, I must be on my way."

With that Dumbledore turned on his heel and disappeared with a crack.

Nico turned to the amassed group, all (save two, who were quickly scratching something onto parchment; Arthur and Sirius, Nico supposed) staring at them in shock.

"Well," Will said, "We, uh, gotta be going. Nice meeting you?"

With that, Nico dove again into the shadows, the address Dumbledore had given them fresh in his mind.


Dumbledore really needn't have worried; though Nico and Will at one point heard Harry shout about leaving, and then, later, a man threatening to kick him out, it appeared Harry would be staying put for the discernable future. Still, Nico and Will waited a moment before eventually making their way back to No. 12 Grimmauld Place, popping out of the same kitchen shadows they had disappeared into just over an hour beforehand. They were met quickly with wands, before the Order seemed to realize it was just them, and hesitantly put them back.

"Oh, Nico, Will, you've come back!" the red-haired woman exclaimed. She rushed over to them, her hands fluttering awkwardly-- it was clear she wanted to mother them, make sure they were quite alright, but thought better of it. "I'm Molly Weasley, dears, it's so lovely to meet you-- though I admit I thought you two would be older, but I suppose-- oh, you're just in time for dinner, we only just started. Please, sit."

Smiling softly at Molly Weasley, Nico nodded, and sat on an abandoned chair, Will to his right. To his left was a girl with bushy brown hair-- likely Hermione, if Dumbledore's description was anything to go by. Nico served himself a small serving some roast chicken, though he took somewhat larger portions of potatoes and vegetables at Will's stern look. (What! he had murmured, I'm not that big on chicken!)

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