The Ministry of Magic Can Eat My A**

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Days went by, and Nico and Will, who had finished their studies, were now helping Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley children make suitable the house. It was amazing, Nico thought with some degree of horror, just how many magical pests had managed to worm their way into the Black residence in such a short while.

But, all too soon, the 12th of August rolled around, and Harry was awoken earlier than usual. Nico and Will waited for him in the kitchen, along with Tonks, Lupin, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

Regarding aforementioned werewolf... Nico was no longer so on edge around Lupin. It had taken a while, and a personal conversation with him in a silence-charmed room, but Nico was no longer keeping an apprehensive eye on the former professor. In fact, Nico had grown somewhat fond of him. He'd grown somewhat fond of many of the Order members, really.

"Oh, no," Nico scoffed, pulled immediately from his reminiscing upon seeing Harry in nothing but jeans and a tee. They were freshly ironed, but... "No offense, Harry, but if you go before the Ministry in that, it might make it seem as though you don't care. Hold on—"

Nico disappeared in a burst of shadows, making his way into his room in the Underworld. He rummaged through his closet— stocked with fine apparel in case he had to attend to business in a more formal setting. Being the Ghost King was more than a title, after all, though few enough spirits applied for ghosthood that Nico wasn't kept as busy as his father or Thanatos. Nico grabbed a navy blazer, and traveled quickly back to the kitchen in Grimmauld Place.

"—his father, ah, instilled it in him he must look sharp for important even—" Will's voice died in his throat when he saw Nico had returned. "What did I say about not—"

"Over exerting myself, I know," Nico grumbled. Smiling sarcastically, he said, "Sorry, dear. Here," he thrust the blazer into Harry's hand. "You don't have time to change completely, but at least this dresses it up a bit."

Harry simply nodded his thanks, his face pale as he sat clumsily on one of the kitchen chairs. Molly served him some toast with Marmalade, which he barely ate.

Nico's face softened, and he sat beside Harry. "Hey," he said softly, "you'll be fine."

Will, who was leaning against Nico's chair, nodded emphatically. "Legally, they can't touch you. And besides, you... you'll have a heavy hitter on your side in there."

For a while, there was relative silence. Tonks and Arthur discussed swapping shifts (though they very carefully avoided going into detail, given Harry was there), and Harry picked solemnly at his toast. Nico and Will had eaten already, and were simply waiting for—

"I think we'll go now," Mr. Weasley said. "We're a bit early, but I think you'll be better off there than hanging around here."

"Okay," said Harry numbly, standing. He threw Nico and Will curious glances as they followed suit.

"We're to tail you two until you get to the Ministry," Will explained.

Nico rolled his eyes. "Mad Eye insisted you be accompanied by more than just Arthur."

"Will you two be going in as well?" Harry asked with a pale face.

Will smiled sympathetically. "I'm afraid not. It's unlikely we'd be allowed in, and well... it's best not to alert the Ministry to our presence until absolutely necessary. But we'll be nearby, and we'll meet you again after you're out."

Nodding, face still pale and blank, Harry, Mr. Weasley, Nico, and Will made their way out of No. 12 Grimmauld place.


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