Chapter Two- Daddy Issues

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     "Alli, I'm home!" "Dad, this is the 4th time I've told you to leave today. Now get out of here." Ugh. How many times will I have to remind my dad that he doesn't live here, and hasn't for 11 years? I mean, for someone who left by choice when I was 3, he sure seems to want to be involved. And I know I shouldn't be complaining, because I realize how many people would kill to have their dad come back, but with my dad, it's a different story.
     You see, when people think your dad is a murderer, you don't exactly want him hanging around. He's never actually been convicted, but people have their theories about what really happened. I've heard them all. He shot her with a hunting rifle, he stabbed her with a kitchen knife, electrocuted her by putting her hairdryer in the bath water, everything. The most extravagant one I've heard so far was that he snuck into her house, strangled the dog, put the cat in the freezer, knocked her out, and burned down the house. Don't ask me what the part about the cat was though, because I honestly have no idea.
     Now, you're probably wondering who the person I'm referring to is. Three years ago, Emilia Trapping was killed in the middle of the night. The house burned down the same night she was killed, leaving some to believe that she simply died in the house fire. But those who love a good murder mystery are convinced that she was killed on purpose. Some claim they heard gunshots, screams, and every cliche detail that always happens in murder movies. And most people think it was my dad who killed her.
     If you're asking me, I think that he is a bit to obvious of a subject. Who wouldn't think of the town creepo as the killer, right? But others think that that's exactly how he got away with it. He was overlooked because he was such an obvious choice. So yeah. I prefer to keep my distance. And I'm not saying that I never want to have a relationship with him. I do. I would just prefer that it wasn't like this. And by that I mean him coming to my moms house approximately 7-10 times a day, screaming about how much he could do so much more for me than my mom and how he would be such a great dad to me and he's sorry he ever left.
He makes me want to close my eyes, block out the noise, curl into a ball and stay like that forever. But I guess I can't blame it all on him, because at least he's not the one giving me all of my bruises.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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