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"GUYS WE NEED to stay calm, okay?" Gabriel says trying to help the situation more considering the circumstances they were in earlier.

"Calm down?" Dariush scoffs. "I just probably swallowed a load of alien babies that are gonna turn into puppies and leap out of my chest!"

Alex freaks out and says stuff about his mom which results in even more bickering and Dariush grabbing ahold of Alex, saying she was most likely dead.

"Hey! What did I say about touching that kid?"

"What are you gonna do? Sucker punch me again? God for it, 'cause I chop your ass in the neck, and then I'll chop you in the head and finish you with a rear-naked choke." Dariush explains using hand gestures which makes Gabriel completely unfazed.

"Do you ever shut up? I mean, between my fist and that alien's dick, your mouth should be worn out by now."

Mackenzie was startled by his choice of words, mentally praising him for standing up to Dariush. She was snapped out of her thoughts when Zhenzhen screamed and slapped all three of the boys. Mackenzie stood shocked at the girl as she gained attention from the group, finally saying her first words to them.

"What we do in life echoes in eternity." She speaks and picks up something from the ground. "Hold the line! Stay with me. If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead."

"Did she just quote gladiator?"

"Since when did she speak English?"

"Since when did she even speak at all?"

"Since when did you two shut up?" Mackenzie smiled sarcastically before giving a wink to Gabriel, letting him know she was only teasing the boys.

The group walked a little ways from the location originally.

"The astronaut said that this key can stop the aliens and we need to take it to TRL." Zhenzhen explains as she grabs the key from Alex's neck then leaving it alone. Alex corrects her which seemed to have pissed her off by her silence.

"Wait, we are going to head 70 miles into the city? That's barley even walk able without sleep, food, and water which we barley even have!" Mackenzie yells.

"We don't need to take it down to Pasadena. We just need to take it down the mountain and to the adults. And tell them to take it to JPL." Zhenzhen responds with and Mackenzie looks to Gabriel, seeing him hesitant to say something.

"There's a sheriff's station down a bit, we could get it to a cop." He rests his hands onto his hip, meeting Mackenzie's gaze which makes her smile at his more troubled look than normal. She knew something was going on with him.

And she was determined to figure out what.

"Good idea, Gabriel. Now, let's get some bikes and kick some ass!"

They walk inside and see the bikes. Dariush tells Gabriel the code and that's when Mackenzie realized that he gets numbers fumbled up and he needs them wrote down. She looks around and sees a chalkboard, grabbing some chalk and writes the words six six nine of it while Dariush yells at Gabriel. Mackenzie pushes Dariush and shows Gabriel the board. He smiles at her and types the correct code in.

There wasn't another bike for Mackenzie to grab because she wanted Alex to have his own. She looked behind her to see him walking out without a bike, saying he didn't know how to. Dariush and Zhenzhen help him grab one as Mackenzie turns to Gabriel.

Gabriel instructed the other two to get on each side of Alex to make sure he doesn't fall. The group then takes the bikes by the handles and pulls them to a sign with Los Angeles going right and High Desert going left. Mackenzie walks behind Gabriel's bike as they pull right.

Mackenzie places the helmet on her head, looking at Gabriel as he got on his bike. "Mind if I hop on, G?" She smiles towards him as he scoots upwards and pats behind him, smiling back to her.

She throws her leg over the seat, wrapping her arms around Gabriel's waist and holding on. Mackenzie laid her head on his back as he started peddling with the group. She watched Alex, cheering him on.

"The faster you go, the easier it is to stay balanced!" Gabriel spoke towards Alex who seemed rather iffy on his words.

"Are you sure about this?" Alex stutters out.

Gabriel pauses, "no."

Mackenzie slaps Gabriel with a free hand. He already knew underneath that helmet was Mackenzie's disappointed and 'i'm going to kill you' look.

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕂𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕎𝕙𝕪  - Gabriel [ROTW]Where stories live. Discover now