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Let's not over analyze

Don't go too deep with it baby

So let it be, what it'll be

Don't make a fuss and go crazy over you and me

A month had gone by since the best and worst night of Castiel's life. There was still no clue as to where Dean had gone. Not even the demons gossiped about his location. As he sat in what once was Metatron's office, Cas stroked his stomach with the pads of his fingers, reminiscing about the morning after.

Soft, orange, morning light shown down through the batter blinds in the motel room. Cas could already tell that he was alone. The bed was cold, and the shower quiet. Dean's soul was nowhere near the motel, and his things were gone. It was only Cas and Dean's leftover liquids. Sadness overwhelmed Cas, and he slowly put his clothes back on. He wasn't used to such deep emotions that Dean's abandonment brought, and he had to sit back down again.

After an hour passed, Hannah fluttered down. "Castiel, is something wrong?" she asked worriedly. Cas looked up at her like a beaten puppy, tears swimming in his eyes. "Do you know what it's like to feel unwanted?" he murmured instead of answering.

Confused, Hannah took a step forward. "Castiel, you are always wanted by the Angels." she said. Castiel hung his head, dropping the subject. Angels never understood.

"Castiel, would you like for me to bring you something?" Hannah asked, politely peeking her head through a crack in the doors. Once Castiel had found out that he was pregnant, Hannah and his followers began to mother him. Always so kind. he thought with a smile. "No, thank you." he answered quietly.

Angels of either gender could be impregnated, since the term "gender" was used lightly. It was mostly used because of their personalities and the way performed actions.

Castiel hadn't spoke to Sam about his pregnancy, and had given up on finding Dean, for the sake of their child. If Sam and Dean knew about the dangers of nephilim - and possibly an antichrist considering Dean's species - then they would kill his baby. He had to protect it, even if it meant from its own family.

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