Part 4 of why do I write this?!

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Well- no one picked villain or V I L l I a N s so im just going to decide myself and say.


3rd person- sort of- OH FUCK IT

Izuku, kirishima ,and the rest of class 1A made there way off the bus after a ton of yelling bakugo and the noise of SoundCloud meme music from denki VA speaker (Which mind you, was taken half way through 'all star')

As izuku made his way off the bus, with kirishima right behind him (All ghostly n stuff) bakugo elbowed deku to the side, making him fall into a mud puddle, Yelling loudly "OUT OF MY WAY EXTRAS!" Turns out it had been raining, but at this point, no one cared. Kirishima knelt down to izuku, asking if he was alright and such. Izuku merely smiled as usual and let kirishima help him up. Which looked awfully weird from someone else's perspective. Almost as if he floated to his feet by an invisible force. Though this happened quiet a lot (Mainly bakugo pushing izuku to the ground. Or izuku tripping like the deku he is-)

Izuku started to whisper to kirishima quietly with a worried look on his face. "Kirishima! You know we can't make any weird movements in public!" Kirishima just shrugged, a wide, toothy yet cheeky grin on his face. Izuku's complains where overpowered by daddyzawa telling them to start heading into the building. As they walked, Kirishima's mouth grew wider and wider in aw. 'this place is HUGE!' He thought, just barley stopping himself from bumping into tokoyami.

(If you watched the anime- you'd know about the dialog- SKIPPING UNTIL ZAWA'S FAMOUS LINE-)

"Those are real villains! 13 protect the kids!" Awizawa said, leaping into battle leaving 13 to order them. "Run for the exit!" A panicked student called, as people started running for there lives. Mineta crying like the pussy he is. Kirishima ran beside izuku, determined to keep him safe.  Even if no one could see or hear him, he could still protect his lo- FRIENDS! Yeah- that.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that-" Said a deep voice, as a purple figure appeared out on nowhere. (Skipping dialogue cause fuck that-) Kirishima's fighting spirit suddenly rared up, as he charged straight for the villain, along with- surprise- a pissed looking bakugo. They jumped at him and punched with all there strength, feeling something metal crunch at the force of his fist. The villain was unmoved though, and katsuki looked slightly confused, knowing he heard a noise that he didn't cause. 'Oh fuck-' was Kirishima's last thought before being teleported away to a fiery inferno. Villains started to attack him, along with an unforgettable figure, bakugo. "Why the hell am I here!?" This cheep little magic trip seemed to piss bakugo off even more.

He blew up a few of the villains before a (Unknow to bakugo-) heavy punch was thrown at a villain, confusion razing in the air. Bakugo kept fighting off villains left and right, as something, or someone fought of villains from behind.

'Invisible girl- no- she's not that strong- then who-' his thoughts where cut off, as that same force pushed him out of the way, allowing him to dodge a critical blow. Then the clink of two hard objects colliding. Bakugo blinked his eyes seeing something. Something very blurry, so blurry he couldn't figure out what I was. Clink. Sparks flew as the battle raged on, bakugo getting up on his feet and helping out.

Hell if he knew what that was, or why it was helping him defeat the villains,

all he knew was,

it was doing a GREAT fucking job.

Oh wow- I didn't realize I wrote over 600 words- time flys fast when its 11 at night!

Now let me try this again-

V I L l I a N s,



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