Chapter 4

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A/N: Happy Pride! Love and support<3


The moment Nico steps foot into her house, she crashes on the couch. Oh god, she couldn't believe it. Karolina's actually interested in her?! What should she do? She doesn't want to ruin the friendship... but ARGHH damn feelings.

"Dude what's got you all bummed out?"

Ugh, Nico didn't have the energy to deal with Chase right now.

"Nothing, it's fine."

"You clearly don't look fine with that face you're making. Come on, humor me."

Nico takes a moment to consider his offer. After all, he has known Karolina longer than her and maybe he could give her some advice.

"Ok. Promise me you won't tease me about it."

"What's got you so serious suddenly really?"

"I'm serious Chase, promise me."

"Ok fine! I promise I won't tease you about it. So now tell me what's got you like this?"

"Karolina and I almost kissed today."

"You guys WHA—"

Chase's reaction might have been over the top. I mean was that so hard to believe?

"Damn it, now I owe Gert 20 bucks."


"Haha well Gert and I may or may not have bet on whether or not you guys were a thing."

"Dude are you serious?"

Chase clearly sees the eye roll and glare that Nico shoots him back.

"Woops. But hey, so what's the problem if you guys almost kissed?"

"I don't know Chase, Karolina's my best friend and I've only moved here recently. I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship and to jump into things like that."

Chase takes in a moment to reflect on what his step-sister just told him. He doesn't want to say the wrong things and though he may have betted on Karolina and Nico being just friends, he cannot deny their obvious chemistry.

"Well Nico, you know, in life, sometimes not everything is certain. I get that you're scared of ruining your friendship with Karolina, but you can't just ignore your feelings. And if you tell me that you guys almost kissed, then doesn't that imply that she feels the same way?"

Nico stays silent at that comment and continues to stare at the floor.

"Look sometimes you just have to go for it, take the risk. That's what love is about. If you remain friends, in the end, it will just end up hurting you both. Think about how Karolina feels as well. She genuinely likes you Nico and if you were to reject her because you're scared of ruining your friendship then wouldn't it already be ruined by rejecting her."

That last sentence stung in Nico's head. Chase is actually right. Wow, never did she thought he would slap some sense into her. Who knew Chase had it in him.

"You're right."

"I'm sorry what? Can you say that again?"

God, she wished she could take back what she said. Looking at Chase's grin made her want to wipe off the smile off his face. Ugh.

"I'm not gonna say it again."

"Fine, but you're welcome by the way."

"For what?"

"For being the best step-brother you could ever have."

At that reply, Chase gave his classic pretty boy wink. Nico rolled her eyes again.

"You're the only step-brother I have."

"Heh. So what are you gonna do about Karolina?"

At the mention of her name, Nico's heart skipped a beat. What will she do about Karolina? Should she make the first move? Should she ask Karolina out? The Halloween Bash was coming up. She could ask Karolina to go with her and then wing it from there right? Probably yeah. That sounds like a solid ish plan.

"Hmm I guess I'll ask her if she wants to go to the Halloween Bash with me."

"That's awesome! There's no way she'll refuse."

"Yeah, we'll see about that."

"Come on. You're Nico and she's Karolina. There's no way she can resist your charm. Anyways, good luck and let me know how it goes!"

At that, Chase makes his exit leaving Nico alone with her thoughts. She lets out a huge sigh. What has she gotten herself into? Asking Karolina out, oh my god. She's totally freaking out again. Her feelings are tingling inside of her. She tries to compose herself and find the courage to ask her best friend out tomorrow. She can do this.

Or she thought she could.

It's nearly the end of fourth period and she still hasn't had the guts to ask Karolina. Nico silently curses at herself for being such a bisexual mess. It's okay though, she still has time. Karolina's lgbt event is actually happening right now. If she hurries after the bell, she could still catch the blonde girl before the end of the day and finally do what she planned to do.

At the sound of the first ring, Nico jumps out of her seat to go find Karolina in the main hall. She easily catches sight of the taller girl who's just handing out a bunch of flyers with the cool slogan she came up with. Karolina also spots her little favourite local goth from the crowd and immediately waves hi with a huge smile on her face. Just as Nico's about to wave back, she sees some other girl talk to Karolina.

Curious, Nico approaches them with caution to take a closer look at this other girl. Having a clearer view on the girl, Nico realizes the girl is Julie Power. One of the most popular girls of the school and the head cheerleader of the school. What did she want with Karolina?

Nico moves in a little closer to be able to hear what they're talking about.

"So hey, you're Karolina, right?"

"Yep, that's me. And who might you be?"

"Are you serious? You're telling me there's someone in this school who doesn't know who Julie Power is?"

"Hahaha of course not, I'm just messing with you."

Was Karolina flirting with Julie Power? Huh? Nico was quite confused.

"So what can I do for the head cheerleader?"

"Well actually, I was hoping if I could be your date to the Halloween Bash that's coming soon."

WHAT? Did Julie fucking Power just ask her best friend out?! This wasnot part of the plan. What does she do now? Nico was in too much shock to be listeningto their conversation anymore. She couldn't hear Karolina's response, but whenNico looks up again, she could swear she saw Karolina blushing and flashing asmile at Julie. Julie also seemed happy. Well, that's it for Nico. She can't dothis anymore. She had a good run. Of course Karolina would say yes. It's JuliePower we're talking about. She's amazing and Nico is just... Nico. Sad and heartbroken,Nico slowly walks away from them and heads home. She doesn't cry or anything.She's just numb and doesn't know what to feel. How misleading the world is attimes.

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