Chapter 5

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A/N: HELLO DEAR FRIENDS. At last, it is the end of my first fanfic. I thank you all for reading and the support and love you have given me. I really appreciate it. Be good. Be well.


Karolina was just handing out some flyers when she saw Nico coming her way. She excitedly waves hi and smiles at her. How could she not? Nico is so attractive in her eyes, it's practically impossible not to smile when you look at her.

Her attention is suddenly brought elsewhere. Julie Power is talking to her wow. Can't hurt to be friendly, wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of one of the most popular girls at the school. Oh, Julie just asked her out to the Halloween Bash. She's flattered, that's why she's blushing. She's honoured that such a girl would be interested in her. But the feeling is not reciprocated though as a certain Asian girl comes into her mind.

"I'm sorry, but I actually have my eyes on someone else at the moment. I hope that's okay."

"Oh, right. Of course it's okay. Well you know, we could still be good friends."


Karolina said that with a genuine smile and she meant it. Julie smiles back at her before leaving her to her affairs.

Karolina turns back in Nico's direction only to see that the smaller girl is gone. Huh, where did she go? She was just right there. She must have gone home, but why did she leave without saying goodbye?

Karolina was intrigued, but it didn't matter. She could talk to her best friend later. She had president of the club business to attend to right now.


Karolina: Hey, where did you run off to after school?

Nico took a look at her phone and debated whether or not she should answer. After considering for a few minutes, she didn't want to be a total bitch to her best friend... She should be happy for her right?

Nico: Home. You seemed busy.

Ok, that's weird, Karolina thought. Why did Nico seem pissed at her? That couldn't be right though. Karolina quickly brushed off that possibility.

Karolina: Yeah, sorry about that. The event was a success!

Nico: Great.

OK, something is definitely wrong with Nico. She seems off. Her tone is definitely cold.

Karolina: Are you okay?

Hmm Nico felt strange. Is this what jealousy felt like? Why hasn't Karolina told her the news about her going to the Bash with Julie Power yet... Or does Karolina just feel bad for her and is not mentioning it out of pity for Nico? She should play it cool. This totally doesn't affect her.

Nico: Why wouldn't I be? Are YOU okay?

Karolina's heart kind of dropped when she saw that Nico was avoiding her question. They have spent enough time together for Karolina to know when something is bothering the goth girl. She wanted to ask more but she decided to not push it further.

Karolina: I'm good, yeah:))

Karolina didn't want to end the conversation there. Actually, her talk with Julie Power kind of gave her an idea.

Karolina: btw I have something to discuss with you! It's about the Halloween Bash.

There it was. Karolina was about to reveal to Nico that she's going to the event with the most popular girl of the school. Nico was just waiting for the bomb to be dropped.

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