⎡𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖 ⎦

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    "That's better. I see you're enjoying my gift." I stared at him, his boldness a new level of flirty I didn't know how to handle. Not to mention I think I just died a little bit inside. 

    His brown-mahogany orbs scintillated with a mischievous glint that could be noticed next to the umber that rimmed his iris. They glowed with humour and playfulness that never seem to escape his eyes. Nevertheless, his eyes possessed a sort of sorrow that placed a melancholic veil, which cloaked his eyes; it seemed as if it made the happiness in his eyes were matte. It took me a minute to realise he was waiting for a response of some sort. Bryn kicked me under the table and I turned around to her trying to silently get her advice. Her eyebrows raised, trying to subtly gesture smiling. I turned back around the latest addition to our table and tried to give him a smile that didn't scream hey I've been awake since 12 am and functioning on three hours of sleep. When his grin faltered I dropped mine, panicking. 

    "Is- is there s-something in my teeth?" I whispered, covering my mouth with my hand. I saw Bryn slap herself in the head. I knew that well enough to realise I was successfully driving this conversation into the deepest possible hole. 

    "There's nothing in your teeth, love. I just want to know a little more about the gorgeous girl with an apparent desire for lemon tarts." He finished with a playful smirk but all it did was jumble my nerves up again. I could feel myself gaping openly as I observed his sharp jaw, chin, and cheekbones. On either side of his straight nose were two blazing sepia eyes. Spiked, warm brown fringed with smooth ring of amber. His dark brows were actually graceful and were currently furrowed in a smile. All of it was framed by thick, warm dark chocolate curls. 

    "M-me?" I stuttered. His smiles and nicknames were definitely not helping my stuttering problem. He grinned again.

    "No, of course not, love. I was talking to the wall behind you," he replied, his voice absolutely dripping with sarcasm. Of course, me being the gullible fool I am, I turned around only to turn back to the boy who just couldn't seem to contain his laughter. I'm such an idiot. "Y-you looked at the wall!" he wheezed, "you actually looked at the wall." I forced myself to look away, instead focusing on my tightening hands in my lap. Bryn cocked an eyebrow at the boy.

    "Hey," breaking the silence, she glared at him with such an intensity I was glad that for once it wasn't me she was using her glare on, "cut it out." He stopped laughing, catching my expression and the tone of Bryn's voice. 

    "Hey, hey," he sounded incredibly gentle, pushing my head up slowly with the tip of his index finger, "I'm sorry for laughing at you, angel. C'mon, love, look at me." I stared at him reproachfully. However his apology did sound sincere. Maybe he wasn't that bad. "But really, tell me something about yourself. Name maybe? Or hobbies. Or talents? Or jobs? Or maybe why you're stuck in this airport at two in the morning." The mystery boy asked. 

    "I-uh," I broke off not knowing where to exactly start, "uh." I stopped again, my palms beginning to sweat. He smiled reassuringly at me. 

    "It's okay," he soothed, "take your time."  I took a breath. 

    "Well," I started shakily, "my name's Marshall Kennedi. Wait, wait! Kennedi Marshall! I mean, my name is Kennedi Marshall. I'm 18 and uh, I don't really have any t-talent? I mean.. I guess I'm alright at psychology if that's a talent," I laughed nervously, seeing Bryn slap her head against the table continuously, "I uh also love to design clothes? But I-I wouldn't say I'm g-good at it. I was uh planning to fly to Germany but uh my f-flight got delayed." I looked away. God, could I say anything to this guy without stuttering?

    "Kennedi?" God, the way my name rolled off his tongue will probably be the actual death of me. The way he seemed to loosely grasp the consonants was enough to make my heart do some weird little spasm in my chest, "you must be the girl that Klarissa hasn't stopped talking about. Oh, and before I forget, my name is Nicolai Kiener. I just recently turned 19. Modelling is kind of my hobby, I suppose? I started when I was 14 when my dad needed me. I never gave it up and I suppose I learned to like it." I shot a look at Bryn.

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