~Chapter Two~

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-Keith's pov-
I was walking back to my bedroom after getting some water, when I heard the sniffling from Lance's room again, I couldnt help but feel worried again
'Stop. He's just sick!'
I took a deep breath and continued walking... for three seconds. Then I lost it and ran into Lance's room. (Well done Keef. Your fucked.)

-Lance's pov-
I was finishing up with my blade, when my room door burst open and I managed to throw the blade at the wall in the far corner of my room and hide my wrist "AH! What the hell?!" I glared at Keith
"Oh.. hi Lance" Keith was obviously embarrassed "U-um wrong room?" Keith laughed nervously
"How did you think this was your room? My door literally says 'THIS IS LANCE MCCLAINS ROOM PLEASE KNOCK' " I lifted one eyebrow

-Shiros pov-
I was trying to enjoy my late night meditation when I heard Lance yelling at Keith. And I'm just here like "I'm such a proud dad........... I'll plan the wedding." (I'm sorry owo)

-Keiths pov-
"I-I didnt notice!" I said nervously, then I noticed his hand was behind his back and I thought I could see something on the sheets behind him aswell.. is that... blood?! "Lance..? Show me your hand.." I was extremely serious now.
Lance looked shocked and he didnt say anything and didnt move
"Lance. Show me your hand." I was a bit more stern, not wanting to be mean.
"No. Get out of my room. Now." Lance just stared at the floor.
I didnt move..
"I said get out. NOW." Lance was obviously getting mad
I still didnt move, hoping to get him to show me. Of course that didnt work....
"I SAID GET OUT NOW KEITH!" Lance yelled and stood up, he looked at me slightly and he was crying.
I didnt know what to do, so I listened and left his room.

°•The Next Day•°
-Lance pov-
I walked back and forth around the bathroom. 'He saw. He saw. He saw. He saw. Oh god he saw. What am I gonna do?? He's gonna ask me..' as i was walking I scraped my wrist against the sink corner, and one of my cuts opened, so I had to wrap it.. I later left the bathroom and went to the living room, where all the paladins were.
"Morning!" I smiled at everyone
"Mornin' my lady~" I kissed the top of Alluras hand, I dont know why I was always so flirtatious with Allura, when I love Keith, I guess it's a way to show I'm 'Happy'...
I looked at Keith who quickly looked away from me when he saw me look at him.. what should I do...?

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