Chapter 7: Movie night

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Emily's P.O.V.

"Okay, Rocky. I need you to stay and be a good boy," I said looking at him, like he would really listen or understand me.

"I'm going out and I don't think I can take you with me but I will buy you something and please stay in my room. My mom will kill me if she sees you."

I picked him up off the floor and went upstairs to my room. When I got in my room I took out an old blanket and layed it on the floor so he could sleep there. Then, I went to the bathroom and got a little container to put water in it so he can drink.

Quickly, I took a shower and put some short blue pants and a white shirt. I brushed my hair and closed the door of my room. I locked it just in case my mom comes home and goes to my room.

I decided to call her just in case and to asked for permission to go to Jake's house. She was going to get home at 8 and she said I could go to Jake's.

When I was done talking to her, Jake was in front of the house waiting for me. I got out and went to the car.

On our way to the supermarket, Jake started to sing again and when that boy sings, my ears cry. When he parked the car we got out and started to walk to the automatic doors.

"So what kind of snacks you want?" he asked me.

"Popcorn, cookies and gummy worms " I told him "oh and I need some dog treats" I said.

"For who? Don't tell me their for you Shaggy?" he said smirking. I wonder how they taste like though, I mean if Shaggy from Scooby Do liked them they shouldn't be that bad.

"No idiot, is for a dog I'm taking care of," I said hitting him in the arm.

"Oh really, whose?"

"Is just a friend's," I answered.

"Is she hot?" I knew he was going to ask that.

"Why do yo always asume is a girl? I have guy friends to Jake"

"What!? are you cheating on me?" He put his hand on him chest as if he was hurt.

"Yes" I simply said.

"Oh well, let's get going I want to leave," he told me.

We got some snacks, chocolate and dog food. We went to Jake's house and I put "The Conjuring ". Let's say Jake almost peed himself. What a baby. He started to scream all the time he saw a movement of a shadow. Then he couldn't take it anymore and turned the movie off.

"We are not seeing that movie ever again!" he yells at me.

"You're such a baby Jake."

"I'm not a baby, that is a very scary movie" he said.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked him getting serious. "What happened to your face?" he sight and looked at me.

"I got in a fight with a guy yesterday. I didn't win. It was a stupid fight anyway, but I do look badass with my scars, right." He said, winking at me.

"Why did you get in a fight?" I asked ignoring the last part he said.

"A girl didn't want to dance with a guy a stepped in and got punch by the guy."

"Aww Jake..."

"Shut up!" He cut me off before I could say anything else. "How was your dance with Luis though?"

"Lets not talk about that, so what do you want to watch now?" I asked looking in the drawer full of movies.

"How about "Blended"? " he asked smiling and I returned the smile.

We started to see the movie, but later on, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I couldn't feel my legs and when I looked down, Jake was laying on them. God, this dude weights alot. I was trying to push him off my legs a little bit so I could get them out but then he fell to the floor. I panicked and when I looked down he was still sleeping, this boy could sleep. But then, a good idea came to mind.

I got up and went to the kitchen. I got some nutella and honey and went to Jake. I put the nutella on all his face and the honey on his hair and eyebrows. This is going to be hard to wash off. Then I got a marker and wrote my name on his neck, every masterpiece needs the author's name. When I was done, I got my phone out and took pictures. When I finished taking like 20 pictures, the front door opened and Jake woke up. He looked lost. Then he started to touch his face.

"Hey what the fu-" he then stops what he was about to say and looked behind me.

"What is it Jake?" I asked. When I turned around, there was a shadow.

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