The Start Of Something New

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A good story always have a beginning and always has an ending but to understand the story there is no better place to start then the beginning, but there is something different about this story. Something that sets it apart from the rest perhaps its the author, I think it is the girl, the girl that took my breath away. Because after all life isn't measured in the amount of breaths we take. It is measured by the moments that take your breath away!

A cold night washed over all that were at the party, everyone huddled around the fire as if it was the only thing that stopped them all form turning into snow flake's. I turn my head to see the people around me and scan them all quickly. But one of the people at the party caught my eye, she stood out in the heat of the fire. With her long hair and a smile warmer than the fire itself. I look at her and not long after she looks back and I swiftly turn my head to not seem suspicious. Not long after we all sat in our chairs around the fire and introduced ourselves to the rest of the group and I sat there waiting for my turn then I wanted to here her name. Jasmine, Jasmine was the name of the girls that stood out in the mist of the fire. That name rung through my ears that night, my friend hung around me that entire night fallowing me like my shadow he followed me all night until everyone started playing a game of truth or dare, and little did I know this would be the game that I would never forget. 3 rounds went by and my friend called Jasmins name to ask if she would like a truth or a dare. She said dare. They walk off away from the circle and all I hear is whispering and then my name! Less than two seconds later i see Jasmine standing in front of me, I thought she wanted my seat so I got up and then she said "I have been dared to hug you!" My mind blanked out and I just hugged her back. I turn to my friend and he just smiled at me. "That was random" I thought to myself.

I saw she was in a little circle of friends and I grabbed a chair and sat directly across from her, and I slowly manage to be included into the conversation, and in that moment I felt comfortable being there, I felt accepted. Which I thought was going to be a lot harder considering that I only knew two people prier to the party. (One was the birthday Boy and the other was a classmate.) Minutes went by and it was time for cake, so we all huddle in a tight circle and sung happy birthday. I look around to try and find Jasmine, after 2 seconds of scanning I see her holding her phone up and singing with her fiend,  it when I looked at her all I remember is her starring into the fire.

After we all fill ourselves with cake I notice Jasmine playing with the dog alone at the back of the party with that smile that could light up the world. I decide to go over and start a conversation, and before I knew it we were on the trampoline looking at the stars and laughing together, until we were brought back down to earth by the sound of my classmate rolling onto the trampoline to join the fun. While it was still fun with him I still wish it was just me and Jasmine. We payed there in silence until a faint buzzing disturbed the silence of the bitter cold night, Jasmine pulled her phone out "Aw crap, my mum is here". She leaped off the the trampoline and looked back at me with a smile and waves as she walked pass the fire past the round and out the door. I rest my head on the trampoline and take a big breath in and out. "You so like her!", I look at him then turn back to the stars until it was my turn to leave.

As I walk out the door I look back at the house and replay the events in my head, the events that changed my life in the best way possible.

When I lie in bed I can't stop thinking about Jasmine and the night before, so much so that at 5 am in the morning i message her saying thank you for the night we had. At 5 in the morning.

Happy 1 month anniversary Jasmine! You make my life better every day, your the reason I wake up every day.
Ti amo!!!!

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