Questions #4

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Zan'tui: Alright oomans I and my lovely assistant Erwin are back to appease you all while you wait for our author to post the next chapter!

Erwin: yup....

Zan'tui: And Erwin you get to read off our questions today so take the list and read them off.

Erwin: Fine.... *grabs a piece of paper* ok, first question comes from Battlefield_101 and its for me and zan'tui. "Are you two dating?" *deep sigh* Well I'd say right now we're more of.... 'Roommates'


Erwin: I mean we aren't on that base of a relationship yet...

Zan'tui: uh huh... Next question!

Erwin: Anyways... This next question comes from  ThanosBrick and he asks "Erwin what is better, MG42 or MG34?" Well Brick it depends. Both guns are good for what they're made for. However. Both have downsides. mg42, goes through ammo very quickly and you need frequent barrel changes. But it's cheap and easy to produce, it's also very simplistic in design so it's easy to fix on the field. While the mg34 is has a slower fire rate and doesn't go through ammo and barrels as fast, it's design is very complex and its costly to produce. The single fire function on it though is a plus. But from experience it's quite a hassle to fix on the field. So in my opinion. MG42, due to the psychological effect I has on the enemy, and what it can do to them. But I'm also thinking about cost effectiveness and how many we can produce for more of our troops to have. Mg34 is good, but it's too costly and complex. 

Zan'tui: Well... I understood none of that... But anyways that's all the time we have for today's session. Be sure to ask questions so our author can have something to do while they procrastinate on the next chapter! See you all next time and remember, the trees have eyes.

Erwin: See ya.

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