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Edgar got up and ran to Higgs' s room, hoping he was alright. When he got there, though, he found Higgs was asleep with Merida right beside him. Edgar smiled brightly at the sight, happy to see that Merida was involved now. It was hard for him not to tell her what was going on but if she found out herself, then Higgs couldn't get mad at him. They both looked exhausted and Edgar had a feeling Merida would tell him to go get a doctor. He got dressed and went to the kitchen to grab a tart and then went down the hill to Margaret's place.


Davros heard a small knock at the door and looked around for a moment, making sure he wasn't hearing things. Another knock came and he went to the door, opening it up and looking down.

"Well now, what can I do fer ye lad?"

"Mister... Higgs... is... sick...!" he breathed heavily against the doorframe.

"Ye alright?"

"I... almost... fell down... the hill..."

Davros looked and saw his knee was scraped and held out his hand.

"Come on, laddie, let's get ye something fer that knee there. I'll call the lady and we'll see what we can do fer ye."

He nodded and took Davros' hand as he led him to the living room. A maid brought in a small glass of milk for him and set about to putting some alcohol on his knee. He hissed but the maid blew on it to ease the pain and then covered it in a bandage.

"Thank you." He said.

"Of course."

"Here he is, milady."

Margaret was dressed in a simple dress and her hair didn't look like she had combed it yet. She sat next to Edgar.

"I didn't think my appearance would offend you, young Edgar."

"No, ma'am, you're still real pretty."

Margaret chuckled. "You've learned some charming things... Davros tells me you said Higgs is sick?"

"Yeah, he's been sick since he got back from here. He was hiding from Merida but I think she found him but he's really, really sick. Even when he's a dog, he doesn't act like a dog."

"A dog?"

"He turns into a big dog at night."

"Oh, his werewolf form... What do you mean he doesn't act like a dog?"

"Um... well... I heard tale of men who turn into dogs-"

"Werewolf." Margaret corrected. "If he heard you say he was a dog he'd be upset."

"Oh... um... well... I know there's tales of men who turn into wolves and they said that when they do they don't act like men. They ravage yards and stuff... but when Mr. Higgs turns into a wolf he just curls up in a ball and whimpers all night."

"Must be grave sick if the werewolf isn't even able to act out." Davros said, his hands behind his back.

"Yes... Do you remember if Jami said that Boston was back on holiday?"

"I believe so; why?"

"Well, Boston is supposed to be Higgs' doctor but I believe Lucas said that he decided to study an animal doctorate as well. We thought maybe that was silly but in this case, it might not be. His understanding of animal illnesses could help with a case like this where Higgs is so sick it's even bled into his animal form."

"If he's sick it doesn't make his magic forms sick?" Edgar asked, intrigued.

"Usually human sickness is isolated to their human forms," Davros informed. "But every once in a while, things like this happen. Tis rare, but it happens. Usually by cause of the person themselves..."

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now