Chapter 10: Ally finds out

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Voice talking

Robin POV

Batman took me back to Wayne Manor he's so wanting to know why I am so depressed. Then we pump into the Titans and Kid Flash and Batman glared at Kid Flash for some reason.

"Robin I will meet you in Batmobile" Batman said and I nodded and went to the Batmobile.

Batman POV

I watch Robin walk to the Batmobile. I want to know why he is depressed but I know it has something to do with Kid Flash and the Titans. I walked to Kid Flash and The Titans.

"Hey Batman finally decided that I am better than Robin and I should be your sidekick" Kid Flash said in a cocky voice and he had a cocky smirk on his face.

"Yeah dude Kid Flash is awesome I'm happy you finally came to your senses Batman he should be your sidekick instead of Robin" Beast Boy said with a smile.

"Yeah Kid Flash is the smarter, the stronger, and the tougher than Robin and we are happy you finally agree with us" Starfire said then she kissed Kid Flash. I was boiling with anger why would they think I would replace Robin with that cocky ass bastard.

" Booyah we knew you'll come to your senses someday Batman" Cyborg said. If he is still thinking about joining the Justice League someday he has another thing coming. I will never let him join the Justice League because seeing this side of him proves that he is just a jerk that does not deserve to be called a hero especially does not deserve to join the Justice League.

"Yeah Kid Flash is way better than Robin" Raven said as she looked up from her book just to say that then she went back to reading her book. They were all saying stuff that made Kid Flash get a bigger ego than he already has then Kid Flash saw the Batmobile.

"Well guys I will see you in a bit I bet he's going to take me to the back see you all in a bit" Kid Flash said and started walking to the Batmobile and I had it. I grabbed him by the shoulder stopping him in his tracks and I give a death growl to him.

"YOU WILL NOT AND WILL NEVER BE MY SIDEKICK YOU COCKY ASS BASTER" I yell at Kid Flash and then I glared out the Titans.


"I will be coming back for a Robin's other stuff later and I expect you to have it all in boxes once I get back or else" I said then walked to the Batmobile. When I go to the Batmobile I sat in the driver's seat and started to drive off to Wayne Manor.

Robin POV

I stayed quiet the whole ride to Wayne Manor I knew Batman was going to try his best to get me to tell him why I'm depressed. I honestly want to die at this point he is just pretending he cares about me.

"Batman is just pretending he cares I know he doesn't care no one does no one will ever care about me" I thought to myself as we arrived at Wayne Manor. Batman tried talking to me but I did not respond to him I grabbed some of my bags and went to my room but my other bags and followed.

"Robin you know you can talk to me I just want to help you" Batman said was a sad smile.

"I know...." I said as we got to my room. I opened the door and walked into my room. Batman helped me and pack my stuff and then left to get my other stuff from the Titans Tower.

"Hahaha Batman is pretending he cares about you and you know that as well so much fun watching you suffer you should just die" the voice said and I frowned.

"Your right I should die" I thought now thinking of ways to kill myself. I think of an idea Alfred and Batman is asleep and then I will write a letter to them and then go and then go to the forest part of the park to hang myself. I hear my door open and I turn around to see Batman in his Bruce Wayne identity and he also has all my stuff that was in the Titans Tower right behind him.

"You need to change into your regular clothes because Ally is here" Bruce said I wonder what Ally is here but I will ask her later. I watch Bruce leave and then I got dressed of course wearing my black hoodie. I walk out of my room and into the living room to see Ally sitting in the living room and she saw me and frowned.

"Bruce told me about your depression but I am here for you"she said and then she walked up to me and hugged me. I did not expect that but I hugged back.

"She is only pretending to care about you like Batman is pretending to care about you"the voice said and I tried to ignore it but it is hard not to ignore the voice.

"Dick when you are ready tell me and Bruce why you are depressed" she said and I nodded.

"I will just tell them why I'm like this in my note because this is my last day of being alive" I thought.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter I'll see you on the next chapter bye.

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