Chapter 1

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It's night time, some say 9, others say about 10. The weather was nice, but hey it was a night in July, a few days after Independence. We take a step into two lives, who were not meant to cross paths, but they did. Blood will be spilled. Prices will be paid.

At the bar, I sip on a glass of whiskey, the cinnamon flavor burned my chest, but I loved it. The bar was filled with men, and not a woman in sight, until...

The bell at the door rang, and a woman in all black, wearing sunglasses, and a bag walks inside straight faced, dark purple lipstick, hair bone straight and black. Her skin was brown, browner than mine, but it glowed as she walked inside. Drunk and sober men looked about, but couldn't bare to say anything. She was stunning, I had to admit. She sits beside me, and orders a glass of water with a slice of lime.

I wasn't shit faced, but I wasn't completely sober, so I buckled up and asked her, "Off work?" With a smile. She never moved nor answered my question. She was handed her glass of water, no ice, with one lime slice, and took a sip or two out of it. She then faces me, and when I thought she was going to finally respond, she doesn't. However, she stands up from her seat, and walks up to a man who's been here for about 2 hours.

"Can I help you with something?" The man says to her, looking terribly drunk. "Yes, you can." The woman, reaches in her back pocket and pulls out a gun, shooting him directly in the head. Many of the surrounding crowd, pulled their guns out, and fired immediately at the woman. I fell to the ground, covering my ears, shielding my body from any of the cross fire. When the men halted their firing, they realized she was gone, "You boys lose something?" The woman, came from behind the bar, with an automatic, and fired at every man who held a gun. That obtained everyone but me and the bartender. She killed everyone but spared our lives. Bodies and blood splattered everywhere, my eyes couldn't believe it. "Sorry for the damage Kev. I'll send you to my insurance company, whatever isn't covered, I'll handle it." She then slides over a bill, I couldn't tell what or how much it was, to the bartender named Kev.

She packs her bag, and as she does so, she calmly says to me, "If you don't want to be shot for witnessing this, or be arrested by the police, I suggest you get up and leave." I sat on the floor, shaking terribly, and I couldn't budge. She then walked over to me, squatting to me as if I were a child that needed a good talking to. "Listen..." she cleared her throat, "Just do as I say, and you'll be safe. Like nothing even happened." A little dimple in her cheek formed.

"You-you're a fu-fucking psychopath!" I shout. As she headed to the door, she stopped and looked over her shoulder at me. "A fucking psychopath spared your life. Remember that. . .Bruno." I was even more scared. "How-how do you know my name?" I asked her. "Follow me and perhaps you'll get an answer." Her tone of voice was so dull, no feeling or meaning to it at all. She was monotone.

I felt the courage to get up on my feet and eventually follow her. She walked outside and she walked fast, but the weakness in my legs could barely keep up. What the fuck is actually happening right now? I thought to myself.

"Get in." She unlocked the car. A pristine black BMW, which appeared brand new. "I don't even fucking know you. How do you even know me?" I hesitated. "If you want to live, I'll give you the answers, but I need you to get in right now, your life depends on it." I backed up from the car, and crossed my arms. "No. I'm not getting in." Although it was night time, and this mystery woman was in all black, wearing sunglasses, I could feel her eyes cutting through my chest. I feel like I knew her.

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Shots were fired at us from a distance, hitting the back of the car yet she didn't react. "You want to get in now?" She said with a straight face and calmed voiced. I ran inside the car and ducked down. She turned the car on, shifted it into drive. She sped about 80mph on a busy street, she ran through red lights and dodged traffic. Bullets shattered the back window, but she still, did not react. "We're gonna have to take the freeway." She said. "Why are they chasing us?" I say with a shaky and panicked voice.

She now reached 100 mph, skipping through each every lane to dodge the cars chasing us. "Take the wheel." She said. "Are you fucking insane?" "Aren't you insane for jumping in a car with a woman who just shot and killed 8 men in a bar? Now. . . Take the fucking wheel. I'll accelerate to 120 mph and it's yours. Feel free to jump in the drivers seat." My heart was bound to burst out of my chest. This mystery woman opened the sun roof and reached into the back seat, pulling out another automatic weapon. "Take it now!" I reached over and took full on control, but we were losing speed so quickly, I jumped into the drivers seat, and continued to accelerate.

I heard rapid gun fire coming from above me, and she was screaming as she fired. I noticed she lost her footing during the process but she continued to shoot. From then on, the night sky turned into day, as two explosions took place, as I saw with my own eyes in the side view mirror. She came back inside the car, and her gun was smoking, yet she threw it in the back like a rag doll. "Take the I-104 west bound. Keep straight for about 5 miles." She said as she sat in the seat. She sounded as if she were in pain.

She unbuttoned her shirt, exposing herself in her black bra. "Shit." She quietly said. She kept pressure on her right breast where she was bleeding excessively. She had been shot. "We need to get you to a hospital." I said in a panic. "No..." She sounded a bit annoyed. "Do as I say, and we will both live. Take the I-104 west bound, and keep straight for 5 miles." Her glasses still on her face, she remained emotionless although she was in total pain.

Bruno, a guy who dreamed a dream to live out in the streets of fame, of Los Angeles, sister city to Hollywood. His past has now come to haunt him, and his life now depended on it. He was desperate to know who these shooters were, but he was more curious to know the mystery woman in all black, who was now shot in the chest, bleeding to death. When all he wanted was a glass of whiskey on a night to himself, he was now, in the middle of a war between the mysteries.

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