Last day

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This is my last day living in the place I've spent the entirety of my seventeen years. Home–it's a word so commonly used that the depth of its meaning is rarely thought of. It's been the backdrop for almost every event in my life that has molded me into the person I am today. Now, at the conclusion of my childhood, I've come to realize that home is much more than wood and bricks meticulously placed to provide shelter. It's the place where my family loves and cares for one another. Where we first discovered who we are and who we aspire to be. Here, mistakes are recognized as the human condition, and as long as we learn from them, that's all that matters at the end of the day. It's been a sanctuary of unconditional love and the one place on Earth where I will always be accepted despite my flaws. As I think about my home I realize that I have to leave the one place I feel safe and loved unconditionally just to survive. Everything in me wants to stop and go back, but I can't I have to keep going it's the only way to live, I just got to look forward and keep running until I find shelter to hide me from the night. I know nothing of being a demon so I need to do what my mother said in the letter to go to our safe haven. Growing up I always thought it was home the was our safe haven but as I've grown older it turned into memories that are just bound to be forgotten. My safe haven was a waterfall in the woods it was completely isolated from the world just the way I like it. It was absolutely stunning as the water falls into the pond or whatever you call it. It was so captivating that I couldn't look away and so over time I always went there when I felt alone or out of place, cause that was the one place that made me feel whole again. That could make me feel like I belong and I'm not just some outcast that's just a means to end. I've always tried to push the problem away but this! This is one thing I can't push away, I don't know how I'm going to get through this I have nobody left. As I thought about everything going on in my life, like my parents dying. Death is an inevitable, natural fact of life, grief is only just as natural. Some handle the death of a loved one better than other, others, well, it tears them up inside and continues to negatively affect them for the rest of their life. One day we might desperately try to avoid the pain, anxiety and feeling of helplessness we feel when a loved one dies. Other days, we feel like life had returned to normal- at least until we realized that our life has changed irrevocably. Despite the different emotions we feel, grieving for a loved one helps us cope and heal. The intense, heart-breaking anguish indicates that a deep connection has been severed. Without a doubt, grieving is painful, but it's also necessary. Going forward doesn't mean forgetting about the lives one who has died. Enjoying life again doesn't imply that the person is no longer missed. Piecing together your shattered emotions doesn't mean you, somehow, betray a friend or a family member. It simply means that your grief has ran its course. Although their are common response to losing someone, there is no structure or timetable for the grieving process. I have been grieving for god knows how long now and it still hurts so bad. Twigs breaking knocked me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see glowing red eyes and stunning yet extremely dangerous creature that I don't know anything about. And the only thing I thought to do was run and that's exactly what I did! I ran and ran for my life I stopped once I got to a road, I found a sign saying welcome to Mystic Falls.. I walked and walked until I finally reached a building it read Mystic grill. How original I thought, I walked in and sat down I waited for someone to come and take my order cause I'm starving.

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