*July 28th*

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I smiled giddily. Today is July 28th. Why is that of importance. Well Nico and I have a tradition that we started after the war with dirt face. On July 28th we lock ourselves in his cabin all day and do, drumroll please, absolutely nothing. A relax day.

Humming a pleasently positive tune I finished packing my backpack. I had all the necessities. Books, Chocolate, my monster proof phone and ear buds
(thanks Leo), blankets, and more books.

On my way out of the Apollo cabin I ran into Will. "Hey I was looking for you." Will said "Could you fill in for Kayla in the infirmary?" "Nope!" I said gleefully any other day I would of said yes but since today is July 28th. "Why not?" Will looked hurt. Oh well." It is July 28th." I gave my answer and left.

Only to be stopped by Piper. "Hey." I said hoping that after I said hello she would go. But no only false hope. "Are you joining us, Annabeth, Hazel,and me, for a girls day today?" Piper asked "Sorry can't" I said leaving her "Why not?" She asked jogging up to me "July 28th" I said leaving her once more

I was almost to the hades cabin when Leo jumped out in front of me "It is time for a little Leo and Y/N time. I was thinking we test out that trampoline I made out of leaves and old plumbing pipes." Leo said loudly  "I have a previous engagements." I said "What?" A look of pure confusion "It is July 28th." I said walking away.

But of course Percy and Jason just had to stop me. "We need your help." Percy said I could see the Hades cabin "What?" I was getting agitated "Who is a looks hotter, when doing big bro stuff?"Jason asked and unfortunately he was dead serious.

"I don't know. Why not ask your girlfriends?" I said looking at the Hades cabin the whole time. "Well you are our little sis so tells us who!" Percy said. Stupid boys and their dumb competitive spirits. "Like I said don't know don't care." I pushed passed them

"Why not?" Percy and Jason called at the same time "BECAUSE IT IS FREAKING JULY 28TH NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I shouted walking into the Hades cabin and slamming the door behind me.

"People?" Nico asked not even looking up from his Mythomagic cards. "Yes. Deal me in." I sat down on the floor and huffed a breath.

It is safe to say that no one bothered Nico or I for the rest of the day. It was pure bliss. If only every day was July 28th.

Hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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