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"We lose." The Captain of the Avengers muttered with mixed emotions such as sadness, terror and ashamed; sadness because of how his bestfriend turned into dust in front of his very own eyes; terror, as how the outcome of their fight ended and; ashamed, that they lost and now the 50% of the living creatures turned into dust because of the purple mad titan.

After The Fight

The Avenger Compound was screaming defended as the remaining heroes walk inside while their heads low and was still in shock to see their close ones turned into nothing but dust.

But mostly, Thor was in mixed feelings. He keep repeating to his self that it's all his fault—that he should had gone for the head and all of this will change.

"First, we will find Fury." Steve command making the others slowly lift their heads as they stare at their Captain with a nod.

"I volunteer." Natasha said as she take a step forward as her eyebrows furrowed thinking about Fury.

"But what if he dusted too?" Banner said weakly as he gulped some water to his dried throat making Steve look at him back to Natasha.

"Banner is right, we didn't even know if he survived the snap." Rhodes commented making the others look at him while Rocket cross his arms with a nod.

"It's better we try." Natasha said.

"If you're really want to find Fury—then we're not stopping you." Steve said as Natasha mouthed a 'thank you're and quickly went to a room to get showered and change her battle clothes into a comfortable one.

As soon as Natasha's gone, the blue eyes look at the Demi-God who worriedly quite while he was sitting down looking at the corner with his brows furrowed making Steve look at him in worry.

"You all go rest, we'll meet in dinner." Steve announced making the others nod and make their way to their rooms one by one, quitely.

"You too, Thor." Steve said glancing at his team member who taking all the fault.

Thor nod slowly as he walk like a zombie to his room. "It's not your fault." Thor stopped at his track as Steve said that and slowly turn around to look at his friend with a pain in his eyes.

"It's my fault—I should've really gone for the head." Thor answered weakly and start to walk again leaving a Steve who was losing his hope a little bit.

He take a seat as he breath in and out; calming his self not really want to show that he—Captain America: Symbol of Freedom and Hope losing his hopes.

"I'm ready." A voice suddenly snap him making him look at Natasha who was standing in front of him looking like she readied herself for this but...Steve knew her too well. He was just like her, little by little loosing her hope but not wanting to show it.

"Be safe." He said softly as he gave her a smile to assured her that they can still fight and bring the others back. The two nod at each other as they smile before Natasha went her way out of the Compound and drive to the road of New York.

New York City

As Natasha went down to her motor, she felt a shiver went down to her spine as she see what happen after the snap. The busy road of New York was now, quite terrified because of how silent the same city is—but she had a mission; to find Fury.

Walking at the road wandering her eyes around. In a few minutes she spotted a S.H.I.E.L.D logo in a car, she quickly went to that car and stop as she notice something weird in the ground with flashing a red, blue and gold colors with a star on the middle making her bend down to get it also observed it.

"Fury's also one of the half living creatures turned into dust." Natasha whisper under her breath as she look at the pager that she didn't know it's a pager of someone; someone close to Fury a long time ago.

She didn't have a choice but to go back to the compound with the pager and give it to Banner if he know what held that thing in.

Back To The Avengers Compound

Steve was already get showered as soon as Natasha drive to the main city of New York. He waited for her in the living room quitely not wanting to wake the others up because he knows how tired they're be physically and mentally, like he do.

"Steve." Natasha was walking to him making him quickly stand up and look at his friend.

"Did you find Fury?" He asked.

"No, Fury's also turned into a dust but—I found this and I think it's from Fury." She said as she show the pager making Steve look at it in confusion.

"I think after Thanos completely snap his finger as Fury turn to dust, he has this." Natasha explained to him but her explanation didn't complete the puzzle but Steve look at her with seriousness in his blue eyes.

"Is Banner awake?" Natasha suddenly asked making Steve nod.

"Yes, he's in the lab. Why need Banner?" He asked as they walk to the lab where Banner is still looking at Natasha who make an eye contact with him.

"Maybe he will help us with this thing." Natasha answered as she show the pager again.

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