Who am i?

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The delivery man just left the furniture in my front yard leaving me absolutely flabbergasted.
It surprised me. I value my privacy and i rarely share my address with anyone. I don't even have a ZIP code, because i live in a quiet secluded part of New Zealand. Still, there were no doubt, that beautiful, modern armchair, with wooden ornaments, layed in my front yard.
I could not even demand explanation, because deliver man quickly disappeared. I looked for him for 15 minutes, but to not avail. The weather in this part of Europe is unpredictable, so i brought the furniture inside. It was really demanding for a tired old man like me, because it was strangely heavy. The mystery gift intrigued me, so i wanted to investigate it .
I admired wooden details of the armchair. It had a leather deep seat and profiled spots for arms and legs. I sat down comfortably "It has to be a massage chair!" i thought, and a moment later i heart metallic grind, and felt rough grip in several parts of my body. I've looked down, and i saw dreadful, shocking view. From the backrest and armrests of the chair, came out metal hoops, which have squeezed my legs, arms and torso. I was imprisoned.
While i was struggling, the door opened and tall middle-aged man has came in. I recognised that it was the delivery man.
-What is going on here? Is it some kind of unfunny joke?- i shout
The answer chilled my blood in my veins.
-I'm surprised that it was that easy, detective Smith. After all this time, I was hoping for a longer game. Disappointing.
My mouth went dry. I was overflowing with fear, and i could not utter a word. The mystery guest grab an old chair lying nearby, and sat in front of me.
-I have the last riddle for you to solve in your life, detective. Who am i?
-Without a doubt you are crazy, if you think that you can treat like that a former law officer. If you won't...-i could not finish the sentence
The man took out a gun from his coat, realode and aimed at my face from close distance.
-Who am i? I will give you a hint. We met, many years ago.
-If you planned this whole intrigue, you must be smart and have a knowledge about human psyche. You are dr Robert Nolan, a criminologist with whom I worked on several cases. You have the same cold, empty eyes ...
-No, but indeed, i am here due certain crime. Keep trying.
-You are not...
-I loved my wife the most in the world. I cheat on her only once, at the begging of our marriage. It was...more than 30 years ago. The child would be around your age. Are you my son?
The man in the coat lowered the gun and burst out laughing.
-You are more pathetic human being than i could ever imagine. Wow, i did not expect that. Thank you, i did not have many opportunities to laugh lately. My visit here has to do with a child, but definitely not with yours. Last chance.
-This laugh. I recognise it. Many years ago, a solve a case of a brutal murder of a child. The offender was Harry Evans, if i remember correctly.
The man smiled sadly.
-We are coming to an end.
He pulled two newspaper clippings out of his coat pocket and began to read:
"Harry E. was found guilty of first-degree murder. He kidnapped, murdered and sexually abused a little boy. (...). He was sentenced to 20 years in prison."
-Do you know, what are they doing to child's murderers and pedofiles in prison, detective? My fellow inmates, despite their appearances, had a great sense of justice. Outside the prison, they also do have families. I probably wouldn't survive, if it was not for the fact that I spent most of my time in solitary cell. Now, i'm going to read you a piece of newer article:
"After 11 years of prison, under new evidence, Harry E. was found innocent of his accusations. Unconfirmed informations suggest that incriminating evidence has been
fabricated. (...)"

After reading the article, he put it in his pocket and took out the gun for the last time.
-Harry, it is not what it looks like! -i shouted
-I have never killed anybody. Until now. I'm going to contribute to the death of two people today.-a wide smile appeared on his face. In that moment, for the first time i noticed, that he lacks many teeth, and his face is covered in scars.
-Please, listen to me...!- i knew, that situation is hopeless
Harry put the gun to his temple and he pulled the trigger. His body slid gently to the ground.
This history has lead us to the present moment. I'm sitting alone, imprisoned in the armchair, in the middle of nowhere, far from the civilization... and i'm slowly getting hungry.

"Who am i?"  - short crime storyWhere stories live. Discover now