What the Fuck Just Happened?

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I wake up hearing distance voices.
"Mitsuki hurry up and get my phone!" The women's voice is whispering and I let out a groan of annoyance, seriously who would disturb someone sleeping? I snuggle up to the warm thing in my bed even more, come to think of it the warm thing, it's all around me. I blink a few times before gradually opening my eyes to see the back of a shirt, I lift my eyes even more and realize that I had been in the same bed as Bakugo with his arms wrapped around me.
"B-Bakugo! You might want to wake up before they take anymore photos." I shake his arm and he slowly opens his eyes.
"What's your problem shitty hair?" He asks through a yawn and blinks a few time before noticing the situation we were in.
"Damn you guys are back? We decided to watch a movie then fell asleep." He lied tho them because he actually dragged me in with him.
"Oh really now! We got lots of adorable photos!" They were both way to immature sometimes.
"What's the time anyway?" I ask trying to change the subject.
"Its eight in the morning." I jump up.
"Are you serious? And you guys just came back now?!"
"Yeah... We all got wasted so we had to stay the motel close by cause we couldn't drive back..." I snicker and go into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After we all finished, we decided to go skiing since that's why we came here in the first place.
"Let's go all the way up to that mountain over there!" I drag Bakugo by the arm and he pulled his arm away but followed me anyway. Once we reach the top of the mountain I go to ski down, but then I fell on my ass.
"Owwwww!" I whine. "That really hurt!" I hear someone coming my way and thinking it was my mom I reach me arms up for her to help me up.
"Dummy." It's was actually Bakugo. I am a dumb ass bitch. He filled the roll of my mom and grabs me by the waist to pull me up. Like it was so unnecessary but whatever. Of course I hear a group of yaoi lovers in the background squealing (haha me) and I feel a blush rise to my face.
"Hello?" Bakugo snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Oh... It's nothing! Hahaha..." I scratch the back of my neck.
"You all good? Your face is as red as your hair." I was hoping he wouldn't notice but he obviously did. Fucking great.
"No no no, just a little cold." Yep totally. He stares for a few seconds before shrugging his shoulder and goes to ski in the opposite direction to me.
"So Eiji... How are you and Bakugo?" My mother approaches me and give her a thumbs up.
"Good... why?" Mitsuki follows not far behind her.
"Oh no reason.." She smirks.
"You know Kirishima, Katsuki talks about you all the time. He also managed to bribe us to come here obviously because he knew you'd be here. I thinks he's in love" Mitsuki tells me and I pull the hood of my hoodie over my head and ski off avoiding them. I mean, why the hell would Bakugo love somebody like me when I'm so pathetic compared to him. My head is filled with thoughts now and they're too loud to escape from, all of it is too much. I am not good, I always feel worthless so if Bakugo were ever to love me, I'd definitely be out of pity. My vision starts to get hazy and my hands shake.
"Hey are you sure you're all good?" Why is Bakugo here again? I need time to think.
"Y-yeah, I'm f-f-f-ine..." And with that last statement I fall into darkness.

I wake up in a bed, and realize I'm still at the lodge. I look over to my phone to check the time at it was 6 pm, I've been out for ages...
"Hey Kirishima... Are you good now?" I get a fright at the sudden voice and of course it was Bakugo.
"Yeah I'm fine." I reassure him and he exhales sharply as if he was holding his breathe for ages.
"Well that's good, let's go get some dinner." My stomach growled right on cue. I nod and agree, without another word we leave to buy some pizza to take back o the room. 

After fighting about what flavour of pizza, we both agreed on on the meat one since we both like meat.
"Okay my room or yours?" Bakugo asks and I shrug.
"I don't mind." He rolls his eyes.
"Then let's go to mine since we've been at yours since 3 o'clock. We both walk over to his room and lock the door. The parents weren't there because they we're out with a tour guide of the mountain and we didn't go. He turns the TV on and flicks through the channels as I grab a slice of pizza.
"MMmmmm, this is pretty good."  I go on about how good it is and turn to Bakugo who has turned quiet and that's definitely not normal.
"You cool Bakug-go?" He was still flicking through the channels but he was staring at me closely watching every move I make.
"Umm,...Hello?" The atmosphere was awkward. Without answering my question he shuffled closer to me and grabbed my hand and put them in his.
"B-bakugo? What are y-you doing?" I move back as he moves forward and because I'm a fucking unlucky bitch I hit the wall so I couldn't move back anymore. His face was inches away from mine and I could feel his warm breath, he seemed hesitant and lingered his face in front of mine. I squeezed my eyes shut as I was blushing so hard that If you put a egg on my face I'm pretty sure it'd burn. I felt something soft on my lips and my eyes shoot open seeing Bakugo's eyes wide open staring at my reaction. He was kissing me. Bakugo was kissing me... Wait, BAKUGO WAS FUCKING KISSING ME!? What the fuck it going on? He closed his eyes and continued to kiss me, it was gentle and his lips were so soft... I might not hate this after all. I started to kiss back wanting more, as weird as it sounds. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist not breaking our kiss. His tongue brushed the bottom of my lip asking for entrance and without fighting I let him and I didn't even fight for dominance as this was all so overwhelming. My head starts to get dizzy and I am running short of air. We both break from out kiss and gasp for air. 
"Holy shit Kiri... That, that was hot." Bakugo said between pants. I couldn't even speak, all I did was nod and put my hands on my face in attempt to cool my face down. And at the worst time we here the adults coming into the motel room.
"We're back!" Mitsuki yells out.
"Shit," I start to panic and Bakugo realizes, "It's okay hide under the bed and I will take them somewhere when you hear me yell 'hag' that's your cue to leave. Got it?" I nod and go under the bed. Bakugo leaves the room and I hear him yelling to Mitsuki telling her he needs to show her something. I lay there for about ten minutes before I her it.
"Damn you hag!" I get up straight away and tip toe my way to the door until I successfully make I out of the room. I run to our room and then run to my room and close the door.
"What the fuck just happened?" I stare into space and lean my back against the bedroom door and slide down just sitting there gobsmacked. After a few minutes I started to smile. I just kissed Bakugo. I thought. The Bakugo Katsuki. I slapped my face trying to not smile so I didn't look like a complete psychopath. I can't wait to see how this unravels...


Whoooooop! I really hope you're enjoying this because I''m trying really hard to pace it out. This wasn't supposed to happen in this chapter, but it did and now there's no going back muhahaha!
Thanks for reading and any comments or votes :)


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