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Ritika’s pov

When all the guests left, I went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee but then my eyes fell on Darshan who was standing all alone in the balcony. I decided to make a cup of coffee from him as well. I prepared his favourite black coffee and poured it in his favourite mug and I walked up to him.

“Darshan” I called out softly.

“Yes” he replied turning his face towards me.
“ You didn’t sleep?” he raised a question.

“No! Actually I thought of making myself a cup of coffee but then I saw you here so I decided to get you one as well. By the way what are you doing here? Its almost 12 a.m now” I snapped.

“Actually I was kind of feeling low. I miss Ishu teribbly today so I thought of coming here. You know what? This used to be mine and Ishu’s favoutite spot. We used to spend hours sitting here listening to music and enjoying the rains. Even today’s weather reminds me of her. You see the cold breeze blowing? Whenever it touches my face I feel like Ishu touching me. We had promised of forevers and eternities sitting here but little did we know....... nothing lasts forever. Forever is a lie. A big lie” he said with a deep breath as the hot tear drops kissed his beautiful face.

I kept the coffee mug aside and hugged him as tight as I could.

“Darshan maybe she is not here physically but she is always with you. Please stop crying. Have you ever thought how would Ishika feel watching you cry? If not for me and Darshika please stop crying for Ishu” I said consoling him and somehow I managed to do so.

While we were sipping our coffee. It started to rain all of a sudden. Darshan walked towards the edge of the balcony and spread out his arms letting the tiny drops of rain touch his face and hands. After a few minutes he was completely drenched and I just sat in the corner admiring him.

“Ritz! Why are you sitting all alone. Come join me. Such a blissful weather it is.” he called out.

“No Darshan! I am fine over here. I dont want to get wet. I will catch cough and cold” I protested.

“No! You have to.” he darted and pulled me towards him.

While we were enjoying the rain the lightening struck so heavily that I freaked out and burried my face in his chest and held him tight.

“Hushh! Its just a thunder. Are you fine?” he said cupping my face.

His hands rose and he tucked a strand of wet hair behind my ear and his thumb stroked my cheek. He leaned his face in and we met into a passionate kiss. My arms wrapped around his neck and his hands on my bare waist. The kiss sent shivers down my spine and I could the electric bolts. It was a feeling I never felt before. The kiss lasted for a few minutes and once I got back my senses I pushed him off my body and ran towards my room.

I locked the door behind me and squatted on the floor. I could not believe what I did. I felt guilty and embarassed. I cheated on my best friend. How could i kiss my best friend’s husband? I cried and cried untill the next morning when I heard someone slamming the door.

(I hope you guys liked this romantic twist  in the story😗 don't forget to press the star button if you are enjoying this story 💙)

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