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Ritika's pov

I ran to my room and immediately shut the door behind me. I stepped into the shower and turned the knob. Thousands of lukewarm drops started releasing which darkened my hair and tricked down my back. I could not figure out what was exactly happening in my life. Hundreds of questions bubbled up in my mind. On one side was Darshan and his daughter and on the other side was my dreams and my bestfriend Ishika. My eyes fell closed over and over again, each time showing me flashbacks of the day Ishika died.


"Get me the syringe and oxygen mask! She is losing her breath." cried the doctor.
"Her condition is getting worse every second. I doubt if we can save her" he added.

"Doctor, I don't have much time. Can you please call my bestfriend in. I want to talk to her." Ishika cried in pain.

The moment I stepped inside the operation theater I freaked out at the sight of Ishika pathetic condition. It broke my heart to see her like this. My eyes gazed at her beautiful face which was now tarnished by tubes coming out of her nose. She looked extremely pale and frail. She looked thin and her chest was rising up and down very fast. I could never think that I would see my bestfriend in this condition; struggling between life and death. The more my eyes fell on her, the more my heart ached and at last I ended up crying.

"Ritz!" she called me.
I immediately rushed to her and held her hands.
"Yes Ishu say. I am here." I said as my voice broke in between.

"Ritz I don't have much time. I want a promise from you. Please take of my daughter and Darshan after I leave. Never leave Darshan's hand" she cried.

"Yes, I won't leave him." I said in between my sobs.

"Thank you" Ishu said passing a feeble smile.
She tried to pull herself a bit up and she turned to look towards the glass plane. She saw Darshan standing outside holding his five days old daughter in his arms. She passed a weak smile to Darshan and a tear drop rolled down from the corner of her eyes and suddenly the machine beside her started bleeping faster.

"Wha-what happened?" I screamed hysterically.

"We are losing the heartbeat" the doctor exclaimed.

"Please save her." I cried and just then the bleeping stopped. It came to a hault. Her heart stopped.

The doctor then turned to look at me sympathatically and said, " I am sorry but we couldn't save her." and I opened my eyes with a jolt. The very thought of that night never fails to give me goosebumps.

I turned off the shower, dried myself up and threw myself on the bed and just then my eyes fell on the photo frame hung on the wall. It was a picture of Darshan holding Darshika.

" Is everything indicating that we should get together? Become one soul?
God! I am so confused! Please show me a way" I prayed and turned on the music system to distract my mind.

(Will Ritika keep her promise or will she break it?
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Also, thanks for reading 💙
Lots of love to everyone 🥰)

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